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Everything posted by KSpan

  1. Teddy sucked all on his own. Whatever happens with Darnold is unrelated to Teddy beyond the fact that Darnold succeeded him, and if Darnold is better or not is somewhat irrelevant to the decision to move on from Teddy. That needed to happen regardless. I do agree with your premise that if Darnold fails to show any development, it's a large red flag for this staff and perhaps FO as well. Tonight will be very interesting.
  2. Over $2MM per passing TD. Nice work if you can get it.
  3. You said the contract wasn't untradeable and that you 'had receipts', not that it 'wasn't a major obstacle', it was pointed out that the contract had to be reworked to facilitate a trade, and now you're saying it was all bias against Teddy and you never said the contract wouldn't have to be reworked. Every player has a contract so yeah, the one he had was by definition untradeable if it had to be altered to make a trade happen. Whatever though, the team has moved on and that's a net positive.
  4. His contract WAS untradeable - Teddy had to restructure/adjust compensation by cancelling the 3rd year and Carolina still had to eat money to make it happen.
  5. Not even an exclamation point with that thank you.
  6. Because Carolina carrying salary was almost assuredly always a mandatory condition, even if the dollar amounts varied at varying times. Denver 'compromised' by moving up from a 7th to a 6th. That contract value was unpalatable to anyone in its current-year value.
  7. Teddy's signing was bad at the outset and steadily sunk to being one of the worst in franchise history. Not challenging Gilbert for the crown or nearly as atrocious signings like Chuck Smith or Matt Kalil, but pretty damn bad.
  8. That contract was a big difference, and I'm sure Teddy's complete failures in pressure situations this year really hammered his value. All the best to Teddy but he had no place on this roster. On to Denver.
  9. I didn't know anything about Dak and had to look it up, but from what I can tell that issue was right before the draft. The big difference, as SizzleBuzz pointed out, is the potential stakes around draft time and the maturity of a player making a decision and even being in that position at all vs something that happened well in the past and that a player has clearly learned from (assuming Jones has). Dak had no such window of time to reestablish a baseline. It's an understandable difference IMO, though like everyone else I can't say definitely that that was the only factor.
  10. Exactly. Right off the top of my head Cam and the laptop incident, Baker and 'running' from the cops... there are plenty of examples where guys were not docked for a past poor decision that hasn't been repeated. I'm in no way condoning drunk driving of course but some situations are bigger red flags than others that are easily correctable. Now, if one wants to ask why it's not being discussed at all (assuming it hasn't, I really don't know) while things like Cam and the laptop were brought up ad nauseum then that's perhaps valid. But Mac is certainly not the only high-round draftee being forgiven for a past mistake.
  11. Except for when it counts in the biggest regular season and postseason games. I don't think it's all on him of course but he really hasn't risen to the occasion. 30 regular season wins and only 2 winning drives and 4 comebacks, and his playoff passing numbers are poor (55.9% completion, 900 yards, TDs to 5 ints in 4 games). By contrast, Mahomes has similar regular season winning % and not many more comebacks but his playoff numbers are ridiculous and there's no question about his performance in critical moments. IMO Lamar is a bit overrated at this point but could still develop that killer instinct. Then again, maybe not.
  12. Friend of mine just offered on a house in RTP area but she was one of 27 offers in a day and the winning offer was 15% over list with 15% due diligence. Stuff's crazy out there right now.
  13. Whatever man. The $11M comment simply showed that the lists y'all came up with include players gettung paid way more, I didn't pike into anything other than one comment about your non-equivalent QB rate comment and answer your question about Dallas backups starting ganes, and my goalposts are right where they stood while you moved your comparison. Not sure if DJ kicked your dog at some point or what but you do you and keep on railing about how DJ isn't worth Agholor/Samuel/Crowder/Cooks/Fuller/Shepard money.
  14. Yeah, but none of that is inconsistent with my point that the list of better receivers includes next to no one in the $11M range and that was before you went on a QB quality tangent that I only factually participated in by pointing out something in your own comment... YOUR comment, notine. Again, not clear what you're on about.
  15. You're the one who made the claim, not me, and I've not said anything about your QB/WR list or anyone else's. Nor did I say anything about QB situation other than to comment on the comparison that you yourself made and say they both sucked. What are you even on about?
  16. Don't move the goalposts. You made the statement, not me.
  17. Moore played with Allen in 2019, when his was lower than Dalton 2020. We all also saw what Teddy did this year regardless of his QB rating, and had he actually hit DJ in stride a few times he short-armed him (or missed him being wide open) DJ's numbers sure would look better. I'm still not following your argument here.
  18. That seems relevant if one considers Allen and/or Bridgewater better than Prescott and/or Dalton, which I don't think anyone is arguing, so I'm lost on your angle here. The answer though is also 1 each, so it's seemingly a draw with respect to bottom of the QB depth chart for each team.
  19. Dinucci and Gilbert both had one start each.
  20. A solid list of 15, but none of whom are players with recently established market value of $11MM or more (Agholor, Samuel, etc) and many of whom are 5-10 years older than DJ. I don't agree with all of them being definitely better than DJ but either way am still not seeing an argument against the 5th year option here.
  21. Honest question - can you name 10-15 receivers you'd rather have/think are notably better than DJ Moore going into 2021? I'd personally put Adams, Hopkins, Julio (though he's on the backside of his career, even if only slightly), and Evans as locks and Hill, Michael Thomas, Diggs, Robinson, Godwin, Thielen, and maybe even Kupp and Woods as arguable/in the same tier where they might do one or two things better but not everything across the board. Of those guys though all of them are older than DJ. I'll also note that the $11MM number is right around what Samuel and Agholor are averaging per year and just above what Boyd, Fuller, and Shepard are making. Any of those guys on your list?
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