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Everything posted by KSpan

  1. I'm not really concerned at all how he performs on the field at this specific point in time. I'm more interested in him establishing rapport and stepping into the secondary responsibilities of the QB role. If he's actually salvageable like the staff thinks he is then some bad habits are going to take time to break/improved skills time to develop.
  2. To be fair, things were quite different this time last year. Tough to compare.
  3. Or perhaps it's because they're responses to the specific topic noting that we saw him repeatedly not 'learn from his mistakes' for nearly a decade despite these comments now, and it ultimately cost him his job. All the best to Ron in Washington, and if this was a thread about his players gushing about him comments would probably include some affirmation. Talk is cheap though and 'Riverboat Ron' has a lot to show at this point to support such a statement.
  4. I see 7.5 as the reality-based O/U line on paper at this point. As bad as Teddy was in one-score game-tying/winning situations, 3 of the wins were also one-score (and a 4th was only by 10) so I see the regression-to-the-mean as cancelling each other out a bit. Call me pessimistic but I'm not expecting magic from Darnold - improvement in crucial situations vs Teddy and thank God the team moved on, but not wholesale magic this year - and I think the improved defense nets an extra win or two. Pie-in-the-sky ceiling IMO is 11-6 and a wild card.
  5. A couple that are off the beaten path- Lamar Lathon telling the media that Barry Switzer now knows where Charlotte is after kicking Dallas' ass in the '96 playoffs. Greg Hardy, vilified as he now is, telling the Falcons to get the fug off the field after beating them in 2012 followed by Hardy telling the media that Matt Bryant was "... so small and weird-shaped..." Hoover rushing for 117 and a TD at tailback vs Green Bay on MNF after making the team as a UDFA in 2000. Chris Hetherington's crazy ex wife suing the Panthers ownership and various players, claiming a conspiracy to turn Chris against her.
  6. IMO guys like Hoover and 'Spoon (and Rucker, Wharton, etc) were not JAGs - they were good, if not great, players in their own right. Not being a household name or having a bigger star around does not automatically relegate someone else to JAG status. With that said, Nick Goings is my favorite all-time non-star. Dude did his job, whatever it may have been on any given day, and was even able to step up big in 2004. Ended up having a sneaky-long 8-year career here in Carolina, similar to a guy like Karl Hankton. Jordan Carstens the Iowa pig farmer is up there as well.
  7. My only real gripe is that he prides himself on being an analytics/data guy and yet left Rivera and Hurney in place for 2019 even with 20+ years of data between them showing what they were. Beyond that though IMO he gets the benefit of the doubt and seems to be making smart decisions on the whole. With this being year 4 and the second year of his regime really being in full swing time I think a lot will be learned in 2021.
  8. So did he never practice them in Minnesota either?
  9. I don't take his comments that way at all. Sounds more like he's not going to stoop to Teddy's level and refute back.
  10. I don't think he'd acknowledge criticism, at least not in this form and via this channel. Agreed though that he may say they're always evaluating and looking to do things better in everything they do or something shapeless like that.
  11. I'd be very surprised if he says anything other than coachspeak when it comes to Teddy.
  12. People must pay a lot of attention to these if teams put that much effort into it but I can't say that I've ever watched a schedule release video or even been aware of them. Might have to check it out this year.
  13. Yup, they're so excited about it that the third year of the contract had to be renegotiated away to avoid any 2022 financial commitment and Carolina had to eat so much of the salary that Denver is only paying $3MM, barely more than Blaine Gabbert just re-signed for in Tampa, with another $1.25MM in potential bonus. Nothing else to be said, as that tells the entire story. Good luck in Denver, both to you and Teddy.
  14. Pat Shurmur went to bat for him eh? The guy with the .292 career winning percentage as a head coach and whose offenses have finished in the bottom half of the league just as often as the top half, Jeff Fisher-style? All the best in Denver, Teddy. May he ascend to new career heights in the Mile High City.
  15. I'd prefer to keep Chinn around the ball as much as possible. He'd probably be fine at FS but seems a bit of a waste of his run support and on-ball abilities. That said I think the whole 'interchangeable safety positons' factors in, so hopefully it wpuld minimize that.
  16. Figured they'd be off cluttering up the Bronco boards by now.
  17. Nothing like a little 9200% gain to brighten one's day.
  18. I'd be willing to bet he meant that based on the film he's seen rather than someone just being given a shot just because.
  19. Doge at 50 cents... interesting times indeed.
  20. Chiefs right in front of Carolina... odds they go OL?
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