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Everything posted by KSpan

  1. I didn't say anything originally about the OL - you were responding to a different poster in that comment. With respect to Miller bringing a player back isn't the same as bringing in someone new to address a weak position. He's a known quantity who started for a line that many perceive as weak last year. Is such a signing really addressing the position?
  2. Looks like I posted right as you did. The joys of message boards.
  3. You're mistaken here. It very clearly indicates that vaccinated people who contract it are as contagious, which is independent of the fact that vaccinated people contract it at a much lower rate. For example: https://www.umassmed.edu/news/news-archives/2021/07/delta-variant-spurring-uptick-in-covid-19-cases-largely-in-unvaccinated/
  4. Mayo is indeed gross, so at least it's an accurate typo.
  5. I agree completely that there has been a lot of change, and also agree that there were some pretty positive signs last year. I was especially pleased to see them move on so quickly from mistakes and make on-field switches like benching Whitehead and cutting Apple, things that we never really saw in the past. Encouraging stuff. The premise of the question though was if winning the first 4 in quality fashion would be enough to get you (me in this case) to effectively believe this is a playoff team/reach that level of excitement. for you that answer is yes, and more power to you. My answer though, and that of many others as well, at this exact moment is no, largely because we've seen such streaks time and again. It's not enough to look like things are different; they need to show longer-term results backing up that things truly are different. That's not an unfair metric IMO. With that said though we're only at the start of camp. This team could show some crazy development and I may change my tune at that time if the performance warrants it. For now though the burden is on the ownership and staff to keep doing what they say they're going to do and for that to yield tangible results worthy of increased excitement.
  6. Quantity doesn't automatically equal quality. Also, unless I missed something (always possible) Carolina only signed 2, Erving and Elflein, and both are higher risk/reward signings that might not pan out. I think they were wisely selected to try to minimize downside but it's not like Carolina added proven guys like Brown and Thuney. IMO signing Reiff instead of Erving for nearly the same money would have been better on paper, but Erving is younger and they seem to be valuing versatility. For all I know they did try to get guys like Reiff but those players opted to go elsewhere.
  7. Last year's overall results were pretty much 'your daddy's Panthers', to use your own words. A couple of wins to start this year doesn't change that. There is promise, sure, but neither Rhule nor Tepper have actually accomplished anything yet to judge them otherwise. You make it sound like he's done something... but he hasn't. The rubber is now meeting the road and the jury is still out. Which is what I and others are actually judging him on by wanting a larger sample. Objectivity does not equal negativity. You're giddily optimistic, and that's fine - more power to you. But folks having a bar higher than 4 wins over 4 teams that were horrible last year and/or lost an HOF QB and is now starting the upgraded The Golden Calf of Bristol 2.0 in his place, which was again the question posed in this thread, is a valid opinion.
  8. Corps is the right word if talking about an entire specific position group. Just sayin'.
  9. Not taking it that seriously at all. Just pointing it out. Regarding the past, it's not fear so much as a lack of significant data pointing otherwise. Rhule's been here for a year but Tepper for 3 and the first 2 Tepper years were not impressive. The team also won 3 in a row last year/4 the year before and it amounted to nothing, so the 4 games referenced here is the same sample size. Show some truly different results proving things are indeed changed.
  10. Looks like it could've been more in front but I'm nitpicking. Looks like about 60 yards through the air on a pretty moderate line, not a huge rainbow. Promising.
  11. Carolina won 3 in a row weeks 3-5 last year. Goes to show just how unremarkable those wins were.
  12. Darnold not practicing today or did they decide that green/blue/whatever jerseys on QBs instead of red didn't matter after all?
  13. "Benjamin said the experience with the Giants soured his feelings about the NFL. He doesn’t intend to pursue any more opportunities in the league." I don't think that's going to be an issue for him.
  14. Agreed. I distinctly remember (because they were absurd) posts here back in 2013 saying that the season opener vs Seattle was "the biggest game in franchise history" and that losing that game would be a linchpin moment dooming the franchise for years to come... then the team lost 2 more of the next 3. We all know how that season turned out over the next 12 games.
  15. Have to say that your first sentence is very ironic considering that you immediately turn around and patronize me in a similar manner. A sample size of one is worthless, especially since Tepper's first years were indeed more of the same. Lots of promise, yes, but a few more games prove nothing.
  16. No. Going to take some continued success, as we've seen plenty of hot/cold over the past 20 years of Panthers football and the last 2.5 years have left a really bad taste.
  17. Maybe there are actually strategic reasons, obscure or otherwise, for not being specific, such as potential trades/signings/post-cut additions. Maybe he enjoys playing games with these responses. Maybe he doesn't really care about being up front with the media. Maybe some mix of all of those things.
  18. My middle son strangled with his cord and came out blue, unconscious, and not breathing - they had to do immediate baby chest compressions and a sternal rub to get him kick-started. The cyanosis took almost 24 hours to clear completely but now he's 8 and a perfectly normal giant PITA.
  19. As the dad just relax and listen to what's being asked of you. Also, don't be afraid to ask your wife what you can do to help but if she says nothing, accept that answer as well and just be there to support. All will be well and the baby will arrive before you know it.
  20. No chance they regret moving on from Teddy. They may regret something else, like not taking Fields as you mention, but taking the L on Teddy and making the change was absolutely the right and necessary thing to do, just like I assume they will move on from Sam if need be.
  21. Unlike last year, it's somewhat refreshing to feel like there is actually potential for upside at the QB position even if the odds are slim. Agreed that overall expectations are low overall.
  22. That's an interesting comment - was there any context? I'm not able to watch/listen at the moment.
  23. I was in St Louis that day, just a mile or two away form the stadium at some mandatory activity. Killed me not to sneak off and buy a scalped ticket but I choose to believe that the football Gods smiled upon my sacrifice and blessed the Panthers. We were back at the hotel for the start of the 2nd overtime and I told the guy next to me, "Big play to Steve Smith, right here." X-Clown then happened and I got a few rounds of free drinks for being psychic.
  24. Nothing more than any other loss. He may get a bit of grief from ex-teammates but I'm confident that life will go on for him.
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