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Everything posted by KSpan

  1. They can count things even after that BS roughing earlier.
  2. Holy crap, are these adjustments we are seeing? What are these points in the 3rd quarter?
  3. It was a net 24 yard interception that gave them the ball near midfield. It was absolutely not equivalent to an actual punt.
  4. I assume this is sarcasm/a dig at the last bad punt. If so, might not be wrong.
  5. Good things happen when defenses actually catch interceptions... who knew?
  6. Since when do they call that before the ball is snapped?
  7. And looks like Atlanta is going to the cheat code 4/5/6/7-hole runs that Carolina/Snow still hasn't figured out how to defend.
  8. Happens, and it's early. Let's see if it continues a la Donte the last 2 weeks or if he settles in.
  9. Cam running through and over the Falcons: as it has been, as it shall continue to be.
  10. I suspect Dave/Hurney/both though he/they might be outsmarting the NFL/ahead of the curve with the Rhule hire and all that stuff about analytics and setting up a sport science program that we've never heard anything else about since then. Unfortunately, the rest of the package seems to be lacking.
  11. Busting out the Clausen reference... a brutal reality check right there.
  12. Sure, but to specifically say that arm length is why he's better suited to guard is just dumb.
  13. Buccaneers - 4:35 mark of this video.
  14. They're having the most success going right at/just inside of Burns and Reddick and outside the DTs. Franky, I don't necessarily blame Burns and Reddick for the run failures since they aren't really built for that. I'd like to see a more traditional DE on the field to pair and one of those guys playing more off-ball, giving more of a zone blitz-esque vibe. Hell, put them both on the same side at times and let them try to block both.
  15. Gotcha. My point was that the results to date and fact that this is even a conversation at this point indicates that his approach failed and something new is needed. With that said I agree that he wouldn't give complete control, and I'm somewhat OK with that. He would, however, hopefully accept the counsel of some proven NFL folks and let that play a key role in the overall process. Whatever he's currently doing, be it a lot or a little, sure isn't working out on the field.
  16. They moved Kuechly to MLB because Beason got hurt; Beason being healthy is the whole reason they had Luke at WLB in the first place, as they thought that was the best way to get as much talent on the field as possible. They did the same type of thing with Beason in 2010, putting him at WLB, and then again in 2013 before just trading him... he was not a good MLB. Not really disagreeing with your point here though regarding their personnel decisions (e.g. moving Chinn to safety), just think it's a different situation. That Beason/Kuechly situation though does highlight that guys can truly be suited for a single position and that the 'versatility' approach may not be that great.
  17. If you're saying the concept is absurd, the fact that such a topic of discussion is even a thing after only 2 years after Tepper got 'his guy', let alone the rest of the messes that have followed, means it's not. If that's not what's absurd then please expand.
  18. I don't know that this staff and/or FO were ever going to draft a QB this year with how the picks fell. Agreed that that may have been the deviation, but disagree that cutting Teddy was deviating. The fundamental issue here is that they were only out a few million by moving Teddy (bit retained/gained credibility in the process) but then appear to have flopped by trading for Sam (and then signing the 5th year) and giving up draft capital. Booting Teddy exhibits a commitment to winning (even if more of a facade), and bringing in any of those guys I mentioned earlier on a 1 yr deal retains that and the bridge. Rhule would have killed any credibility he had at the time by trotting out a player again that no one had any kind of confidence in whatsoever. After that 2020 performance, keeping Teddy as a starter would have been an automatic white flag on the season, and there's still no guarantee the staff drafts a QB. They're 2 different things.
  19. It doesn't, but Teddy was a sunk cost and keeping him would have been choosing to destroy any chance of on-field success. It was a lesser-of-two-evils gamble and while the staff unfortunately did not appear to choose wisely with Darnold vs. the other options out there, that still doesn't make getting rid of Teddy the wrong decision.
  20. 8 yr. old me playing Tecmo Super Bowl knew that it was an advantage to have all my plays running out of the Run & Shoot formation because my friends didn't know what play was coming. I'd like to assume this would be standard knowledge among NFL-level coordinators as well.
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