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Everything posted by KSpan

  1. All-time low engagement/excitement/interest. Love the players but damn... guess we'll see what happens.
  2. Still the ever-ambiguous 'sources,' but disappointing if indeed the case.
  3. I've thought the whole ,Rhule lost the locker room' thing was silly since there wasn't any real evidence for it. However, that doesn't mean he's a good and/or effective coach/schemer/roster constructor, and that's pretty clear on the field. Players complained when Hurney was let go in 2012 as well, and a few more years certainly didn't make any difference there. To date, Rhule doesn't seem to be effective in the role and players/the team appear to be regressing, full stop. If Tepper believes another year will turn things around then whatever, but even if I'll never find out I'd be interested in knowing exactly why he thinks so.
  4. Exactly the same as it was last year. A few new wrinkles that took teams by surprise until there was sufficient film, and even then the team was getting figured out in the second half of games early in the season. Once there was film actual NFL coaches could gameplan appropriately and Carolina's poor coaching, coupled with terrible OL and QB play, aren't good enough to overcome. It's the same reason that Carolina's offense typically moves the ball the first drive or two in a game and then just gets shut down.
  5. That was what happened in the simulation, not in real life. Though the simulation was pretty spot-on about starting fast early and then nosediving.
  6. Yup, 2021 is much worse. The 2010 team still had a fiery core and we knew Cam/another #1 pick as well as a new staff were the light at the end of the tunnel. This team though, particularly the ambiguity around the staff, is just mush.
  7. Please direct me to the comments you're referencing with the Jags like Robinson, Jones, and Lawrence, as all I'm aware of are professional/non-confrontational comments even given the nonsense Meyer was pulling. Lambo was no longer a Jaguar when he made his so he has no real stake at that point and even then it seemed more factual than anything. All of what you linked here still has to be taken with a grain of salt, and Boston's comments in particular were from June 2020 before Rhule had even coached a training camp practice. That has zero bearing at this point, as again, what else was he going to say?
  8. I'd own my misjudgment and give Rhule any credit he would deserve, but unfortunately I'm not concerned about this scenario becoming a reality.
  9. Similar to the Cam article you've pointed to a few times now, what else would Shaq really say in this situation? Did any Jaguars players make public pre-firing comments (or any at all) about Meyer even with the extreme situation going on there? Point being that even when it would be pretty fair to make public comments negative in nature the vast majority of players won't do it. FWIW, David Newton's quote also makes it look like Shaq said 'we', with no specific mention of Rhule. I haven't heard it so have no direct knowledge but the word choice could be interesting if the question was about Rhule specifically and Shaq didn't refer to him. Or maybe it's nothing.
  10. Payton wouldn't make his pet project Taysom lose. That's more important.
  11. How in the world does anyone look at this 2nd half ineptitude repeating week in and week and think, 'yeah, one more year will do it'?
  12. Tackle box is where the tackle starts, not where they currently are. Would need to watch it again but I bet Moton came in during the play.
  13. Horse collar/back of the pads has always been legal on a QB in the pocket. Once they're outside of it the rule kicks in. Rationale behind it is that the real danger of a horse collar comes when applied to a running ballcarrier whose legs get caught.
  14. So who screwed up there, Thomas or Christensen?
  15. Can't play the Saints JV squad every week, unfortunately. Not relevant. Can't be sustained because of that arm length. ...
  16. Had to double-check that he was indeed who I saw there.
  17. Anyone else think those white socks look kind of weird with this uniform? Blue is better IMO.
  18. Ameer Abdullah has looked legit this year.
  19. Unless it absolutely overt, in which case one should wonder why he's even on the roster, why not put him in and see if he's perhaps more of a gamer than practice player? Even if he sucks just swap Miller back in. Makes little to no sense.
  20. He should have been embarrassed as soon as he even thought about giving that kind of contract to a complete unknown like Rhule with no track record of sustained and/or top-tier success, and that's not even hindsight.
  21. If this is true and there isn't any other context, such as the response being to a question from a player about why Rhule isn't taking a college job, just give Rhule his walking papers. In that scenario the idea maybe right but Rhule clearly just has no idea how to articulate.
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