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Everything posted by KSpan

  1. So that's perhaps 1 out of 8, and even then didn't get the job done. I know if I fail to get my job done 90% of the time I get fired regardless of whether my coworkers are failing at their jobs or not.
  2. The need for improvement is not limited to QB and no one has said otherwise. That said, the OL and defense have nothing to do with things like throwing a 2-yard pass on 4th and 9 with the game on the line or repeatedly checking down deep in the team's own territory during a final drive with time expiring.
  3. Being underwhelmed with Teddy's objective on-field play and overall track record as a starting QB and/or desiring a cheaper, more dynamic QB, even if the end result is the same next year, is not 'hate'. Frankly, someone like Jameis would at least make the losing entertaining.
  4. After how public they made their negative views on the QB situation, and by proxy Teddy, I'm just not understanding the public strategies (assuming this Watson thing is true). Perhaps the whole idea though was/is to make it abundantly clear that Carolina was serious about any/all potential deals. Even then though I can't agree with the approach.
  5. I definitely did some buying (not of GME) earlier this morning. Opportunity was knocking.
  6. The structure of the contract definitely says short-term, bridge-type signing with potential for more if he developed. I think though the combination o the team being notably more competitive right off the bat (the whole '5-year plan thing' set expectations low), Teddy's flaws being very apparent and weaknesses becoming clear in critical areas, and Teddy's less than stellar public showing as the year went on (and perhaps other friction behind closed doors) turned it into an immediate area of need. I think this is a case of Tepper learning from a mistake and working to both improve the team and win back some fan favor.
  7. With Teddy's aversion to risk and zero separation created by those receivers, White and the other RBs would likely set positional receiving records. Maybe that somehow works in NE, I dunno. I don't wish Teddy I'll but that does not seem an ideal situation for his skillet unless BB just wants all RB throws, all the time.
  8. Again, it would depend on how much the team offered to bonus/guarantee. Incentive would be more money sooner, as it pretty much always is in these situations. Not complicated.
  9. Conveniently left off the entire first part of that quote, or perhaps that was the quote from the next day where Teddy put his foot in his mouth. "I think we’ve just got to be better from top to bottom, from the sideline to executing on the field. It’s one of those deals where I felt like we might have panicked a little bit trying to figure out what play call to call in that situation because it’s like do we run the ball and get stopped, make the clock go down to a minute and 10 or throw the ball and try to score? I think, honestly, we called a great play, we just didn’t have enough time to execute, but it was a play where we wanted to shift Robby [Anderson] to get a good man zone read to see what defense they’re in and because we’re against the clock we just had to rush into it. I think if we would’ve gotten the play call in or we would’ve been able to make a decision sooner on what call to make, I think we see the look, we check to a run play and hopefully we score and make the clock go down."
  10. What specifically do you want a rookie to learn from Teddy that he showed here in Carolina? How to play ultra-conservative and throw your coaches under the bus during post-game? It's clear that for any number of reasons the staff and FO are not on good terms with him and I trust that if there truly were the positives worth passing on, at a minimum there would not be the public comments from the team.
  11. That's fine and you're welcome to that opinion. There are also facts supporting that retaining them too long led to decisions being made that are hamstringing progress and may have impacts for years to come. The data available clearly showed that Rivera and Hurney would continue to be what they are, and the decision to retain them into 2019 and 2020 has negative consequences. I'm not impressed that Tepper felt the need to take it all on himself instead of quickly identifying the clear and evident, decade+ old problems and getting the right support to fix them ASAP, be it a 'consultant' or some other route. He screwed up even if only by omission of action. He can show that he's learned from the mistakes but at the moment those decisions are haunting the team. That's on him.
  12. He had the team for a full season along with the tons of performance data when he chose to retain Ron and Marty post-2018. My point stands.
  13. Depends on the nature of the transition, degree of change, and immediacy with which it is needed. Either way that doesn't prevent mistakes from being labeled as such, even if they are mistakes of caution/seeming prudence.
  14. There was literally >a decade of data available on Hurney. If Tepper, a self-proclained analytics guy, chose to remain blind to his history and/or the GM landscape then that is also a mistake. It's on him either way.
  15. Keeping Ron and Marty in 2019 chiefly (Tepper's public comments being applicable or not), followed by feeling that his comments on the QB position this offseason really put the team in a corner.
  16. So far he's made some significant mistakes IMO, but he seems to be vested in turning things around and is moving that way with actual action. I think this offseason and the next 12 months will be very telling.
  17. Maybe a slight upgrade in ability, but a likely downgrade in availability.
  18. Unless he feels like just having a healthy Jimmy G-level QB will get them where they need to go this year. If not, they drop him next year for minimal hit.
  19. True, but that's why I feel like it would just be a swap of contracts to the detriment of SF. They are very similar players, with Teddy just a bit healthier.
  20. The thing here is that SF would have zero incentive to do this. They can cut JG with no cap hit - why offload him for such a crappy contract? That said it would be a coup for the Panthers. Jimmy is zero upgrade from Teddy but will get hurt anyway, so this would basically be a contract swap that greatly benefits Carolina.
  21. Teddy threw the team/staff under first. Who know what was happening eh nd closed doors but publicly he definitely stepped out with the playcall comment, followed by the extension fumble at the goal line.
  22. It would depend on how much base was curious inverted to bonus/guarantee, but Carolina seemingly has little ncentive since it would commit to a third year and/or beyond unless the strategy is to kick cap hit down the road. The contract itself is already only 3 years though so the team doesn't have much wiggle room. The contract itself was a gamble and the team, quite predictably, lost, so now they have to pay for it.
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