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Everything posted by KSpan

  1. I don't agree with your first point, as the objective isn't to get a few more wins. I would have been much more satisfied to see him actually play quality football consistently throughout the year and still lose due to terrible defense (as folks expected anyway) than to see slightly better defense eek out a few more wins even with the offense as impotent as it became. The way things played out it made it abundantly clear that an upgrade is needed with no real chance of deluding into thinking things are good enough at the QB position. It's the Marvin Lewis effect, good enough to look good at times but never good enough to get anywhere... no thanks.
  2. In that Rams game though the offense got the ball back in OT and Brees promptly threw an interception. He was under pressure of course but that was a very bad time for such a play. I think it's more that Jake showed up time and again with the game on the line while the exact opposite happened last year. No one should expect Teddy and the offense to have won all of those games, but at least 2-3 out of 8 would show some sign of life. However... nada.
  3. Yup. In ideal situations having guys that can just distribute the ball may be enough. In the palyoffs though, it's no coincidence IMO that the Saints haven't made it to the Super Bowl in 12 years. They're had some runs but haven't even made it to the playoffs without a top 10 defense... Brees has been the ultimate game manager-type QB and definitely has the clutch gene but hasn't been able to overcome the NFL's elite in a long time. A guy like Teddy will win games in a place like that but if they can't overcome with Brees, they sure aren't doing it with a deep discount version like Teddy.
  4. "Need more impact players at other positions." I agree that every team should always look to improve but strongly disagree that this offense lacks impact players, even without CMC. Either way though it just continues to support the position that Teddy is not good enough himself without being surrounded by elite talent, and even then the playoffs may be another story.
  5. $220 premarket today. I think there's another hearing today as well.
  6. That's why I added my final sentences there - I get it. However, I'm sure they want to win also and while they support teammates if something isn't working they want to see it corrected as well.
  7. Yes, but is any of it in a cryptocurrency?
  8. I'd rather take a shot on the unknown then have a guaranteed ceiling on another boring, likely painful, season simply to have a known quantity. I'm not an NFL player of course but during my many years playing sports it was frustrating to watch the same.players make the same mistakes over and over again.
  9. At this point it would be as much about someone paying that much for him and the contract. I can see a team valuing having a quality backup but that $21MM would be a tough pill. I'm also assuming that they wouldn't be looking to trade and drop him into a starting role, but maybe I'm overestimating the wisdom of other FOs.
  10. I wouldn't even say many were 'against' him, we were just objective in expectations based on his past performance and things turned out a little worse than even that. Teddy can play in the NFL, just not as a starter outside of perfect conditions and even then the team's upside may be at risk with any injuries or unforeseen circumstances. If he can find that situation and a team willing to work around/tolerate his limitations then more power to all of them.
  11. Carolina needs to be building their OL regardless of QB target. It will be very disappointing to not see the team engaging with FA lineman, even if they don't grab the most expensive guys.
  12. I, for one, never ended up meeting anyone in South Charlotte.
  13. Trolling is a definite possibility but the fact that he, completely out of the blue and without anyone on this board bringing it up, cited Teddy's left-handed pass vs GB in 2015 makes me think that this person is serious. Either way though...
  14. It's peculiar that you cited it out of the blue as evidence of learning/development when it hasn't been brought up on this board and more specifically not in this thread. Dredging something up from 5 years ago is some serious fanboy activity, again assuming that you aren't actually Teddy or someone in this very close orbit. And I did see the left-handed pass, as did most NFL fans at the time - he put up a line of 10 for 19, 99 yards in that game vs the Packers... As I said, I defended him about it less than a week ago on a general NFL board. I'd cite it for you and give yet another documented example proving yet another of your assertions wrong but in your world having something documented seems to give it less credibility, so we'll just leave it there.
  15. I see a Nick Goings reference (or Hankton for that matter), I pie.
  16. Your continued stooping to accusing me and others of a personal vendetta is feeble and pathetic. Between your comments on the Stafford trade and my posts, if citing sourced information that includes literally Carolina's staff and FO is 'editorializing' then you have an issue with reality. I opine on him as a player, nothing else, and you sure know nothing about me either. I will consider and own any proof you can quote here of where I've attacked Teddy personally but don't need to because you have none. It doesn't exist because it hasn't happened. I don't recall that left-handed being mentioned recently on this board... If jt's been cited in this thread please remind me of where. Ignoring that stretching at the goal line apparently flew in the face of what he'd been specifically coached not to do I actually defended him about that play in the past, saying he was a young guy who just got caught trying too hard. Even then one would expect a 7th-year player who is supposedly a smart, disciplined QB to be able to listen to his coaches and not make such a simple Football 101 mistake he This isn't complicated. Teddy looked exactly as he's always looked as a starter and got figured out, again. The issues objectively on film were/are as they've always been - lack of arm strength/anticipation, poor downfield accuracy, no dynamics to his game (allowing defenses to sit), and drives dying in the red zone (exactly what happened all year). He may not have regressed but he has not developed, and the odds of a guy going into his 8th year, 6th if one prorates for the injury, suddenly popping are slim to none.
  17. After making what you are intimating was such a large investment and seeing Teddy's QBing firsthand, the seemingly cap-proof Saints let him walk even with old man Brees teetering on retirement and a surefire starting spot opening up, opting to keep an older wanna-QB and sign Jameis instead. Interestingly, Hill was on pace this year to throw for as many TDs as Teddy did for the entire season... but that's surely coincidence. Teddy was perhaps then too scared of Mitch Trubisky to sign in Chicago. Mitch did win 2 more games as a starter and passed for more TDs while starting 6 fewer games this year... but that's also surely coincidence. Either way, Chicago and Carolina appeared to be the only teams willing to entertain him as a starter and the contract that Carolina offered was a clear 2-year tryout. Teddy may not even make it that far, which leads us to this conversation and your assertion that everyone just 'hates'.
  18. Where does this nonsense even come from? Like, literally no one has said a thing about running in this thread. Your ability to create strawmen and craft BS from thin air, regardless of whether you truly believe it or are just trolling, is borderline impressive.
  19. That's in addition to the 3 that already came to the same conclusion that he was not starter material. Hell, dude got traded to leave rookie Sam Darnold and Josh McCown on the roster before his first preseason with the team even ended. Guess it was just more hate and blindly following narratives.
  20. Ah yes, claiming the views of people that disagree with you are actually based on their personal dislike of someone/something else and not the objective and verifiable facts and observations they've offered. The last bastion of the deluded, willfully ignorant, and/or shameless internet troll.
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