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Everything posted by KSpan

  1. I take those with some grains of salt since they're coaches and were pretty clearly stuck with him regardless of how they felt. I struggle to imagine Brady coming to Carolina just to throw checkdowns and play dink-and-dunk football but it's very possible they really overestimated Teddy's ceiling as well.
  2. Agreed with the overall sentiment, though I think Hurney had a bigger hand in the Teddy situation (though Rhule/Brady are not blame-free). I thought the team showed a lot of upside last year and the staff gets the same benefit of learning curve as Tepper did but damn was retaining Rivera and Hurney just a mystery.
  3. Michigan State's "MSU Spartans Presented by Rocket Mortgage" is a new low.
  4. My comments are always responses, so I'm not the one still drudging things. Catch up.
  5. Considering their success taking Carolina's castoffs, it's been a sound strategy thus far and IMO says as much about the former Carolina regime as it does about Buffalo, if not more.
  6. They're not wrong though. Teddy hasn't changed a bit since coming into the league, even on his Saints film, and the results were extremely predictable and I daresay even worse than the mediocrity many saw coming from the outset. It was a poor decision regardless of the money though the money makes it worse given the same highly-predictable results could have been had for much less, full stop.
  7. But he did complain... publicly. Are you not remembering him throwing the staff under the bus regarding timing of playcalls? And always using 'we' when talking about failures? I'm not even saying he's necessarily wrong about any of that, but while he was far from the worst to come along he did not 'keep quiet and take it'.
  8. Wahle, Ken, and Kemo all signed prior to 2005. Keyshawn was a knee-jerk acquisition for 2006 following Colbert dropping off a cliff at the end of 2005. That 2005 free agency period though was definitely one of Carolina's most active, especially in terms of big-name signings.
  9. I think part of it too is how effortless DJ makes it look. Maybe not a big part, but he's just so smooth and not jarring in his movements that it seems like he's not moving as fast as he is. IMO, of course.
  10. The film pretty clearly shows it's the former and not the latter, at this with respect to the circumstances around this specific statistic this past year. How many times did we see DJ, Robbie, Curtis, etc have to slow up to catch downfield passes?
  11. Good for him. All the best most of the year, and may he rack up stats while the Falcons lose 10 games by 9-17 points.
  12. Teddy actually hits DJ in stride on a few of those passes this year instead of making DJ bail him out in a contested situation (an overlooked but very valuable strength of his), or even throws them at all on others where DJ was streaking open, and that 'game-changer' perspective might be different. Dude was absolutely in position to change games many times.
  13. Got it done 7 years ago and have zero regrets. Urologist was very experienced and it was literally 8 minutes from start to finish. Guys have a range of experiences but I iced/rested heavily the entire 2 or so days after and things were fine for day-to-day activities thereafter. Just go into it with both you and your partner recognizing that you may need more recovery time and that recovering properly up front will make things much easier.
  14. We cut straight to the most important details here at the Huddle.
  15. I just can't understand how guys let their wallet get like that.
  16. Hopefully more Drayton Florence than Antoine Cason, at least relative to their time in Carolina.
  17. Had a tornado a couple of miles from my house (Kansas City) on Monday and it was only 48 degrees outside. Weird stuff.
  18. Problem is that the players who are frequently the first kind often have a shorter timer on being the second kind. Not always, but enough to be concerned.
  19. Teddy and Tyrod will be 2 peas in a pod.
  20. We've been saying this about the Saints for like 10 years now. Maybe Brees retiring is the catalyst that really kicks things off since they can't alter his contract any longer.
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