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Everything posted by KSpan

  1. Here come the flags... can't have the Panthers beating up too much on the Golden boy Cardinals.
  2. Cam falling apart in 2018 and 2019, spineless Teddy last year, Sam quickly tailspinning this year... even if this doesn't last, it's such a welcome breath of fresh air.
  3. Foot twist being intentional or not, it was crystal clear that he intentionally tripped Burns and took him down with that leg sweep. Ridiculous.
  4. Who defended him? I sure didn't, even stating that the Giants OC job may not even really count.
  5. Shula was OC for the Giants in 2018 and 2019, but I'm not sure that r ally goes against your point. Now QB coach in Denver with Teddy, fittingly enough.
  6. Majority of people are hopeful and happy Cam's back but I don't think expectations are unrealistic. Will he be better than what we've seen these past weeks, and will that be enough to win some games? Seems a reasonable assumption. Will he go into MVP mode and singlehandedly catapult the team to the top of the league? Most likely not. After a year of Timid Teddy and Sam crashing and burning, having someone with the guts and leadership of Cam is just a breath of fresh air. The familiarity and history with the team as well as the karma of getting him back after he was unceremoniously dumped is just the delicious icing on the cake
  7. It's provocative, it gets the people going.
  8. Forgot how much Fitterer sounds like Hm Jon Benjamin.
  9. 2014 was awful, but I'm not sure there's a Norwell or Remmers (who actually performed well in his first starts at RT that year) to come to the rescue.
  10. Statistics lie, and/or don't always tell the whole story. I'm definitely not saying that Sam is better because of one drive but it goes to show what Teddy lacks, and it's a critical thing. From a Cam perspective we know he has that factor. Question now is what else might still be there. Just such a dumb series of events to even arrive at this point.
  11. I think they're paying Cam that much to win games, and if his presence lights a fire and elevates PJ, and possibly the rest of the team, resulting in notable improvement and wins then it's still money well spent. Odds of that happening at very slim. But if things suddenly click, why mess with it?
  12. Top 15... statistically perhaps, but not a chance in reality. Only the rookies (and maybe not even Mac Jones), Daniel Jones, Hurts, Darnold after the last couple of weeks, and Tyrod could be argued as worse starting QBs and Tyrod might even be a bit better; even Wentz and Goff have shown the ability to win games when the chips are down. Teddy is an undynamic player with no guts, and suck as he has even Darnold completed a 96 yd game-tying drive with the clock winding down, something Teddy failed at 8 times last year with a better OL and better receivers. It was clear by the end of the year that the situation with Teddy was untenable, be it Rhule's fault or otherwise, and the mistake was giving the keys to Sam uncontested. Other than that I agree with your final sentence. This whole series of events just should never have happened. It will be interesting to watch the team and coaching dynamics over the coming weeks with Cam coming back into the fold. Wonder if Rhule's tune and/or tone change. Guy's got a lot left to prove IMO.
  13. According to many, average QB play with this defense gets this team to the playoffs. Not sure it happens at this point in the season but we have seen less than average for multiple seasons now, so average would be refreshing.
  14. At no point during his time in the league has he ever looked like someone who was more than a low-tier starter, even in NO where he rode the wave. Dumping Cam for Teddy in the first place was a red flag and lo and behold we saw exactly how that played out, and continues to play out in Denver. With that said Cam is not the Cam of old and will not be saving the day. However, he offers dynamics and hopefully an indication that the brain trust is evolving in their decision making, particularly around the QB position. Sucks that the hold is so deep now though.
  15. Shipping Teddy out was absolutely the right move - dude's middling and a rate limiter. Replacing him with Darnold was not ideal. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when these conversations are going down.
  16. If there's one thing Cam is experienced in, it's dragging a crappy OL up and down the field. Time will tell if he has that magic left.
  17. I'm giving points for the fact that they even signed Cam being an indicator of things changing. Maybe that ends up not being the case but a guy can hope.
  18. We've already seen elements of it with Sam. I'd assume that would at least continue, if not with some extra wrinkles as well. That said I assume the team will be cognizant of what brought Cam here in the first place: injuries. Getting Cam hurt accomplishes nothing, so hopefully they're smart enough to not go full Rivera and adopt an all-option running game.
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