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Everything posted by KSpan

  1. Speaking of lol. Same old Teddy.
  2. Was a bad action from Cam for sure, but Cam put himself out there every week without hesitation. Teddy does not. Stuff happens and it's easier to write off as a fluke when there is so much evidence to the contrary, a la Kasay in the Super Bowl. The All 22 of this play is even worse.
  3. KSpan


    How'd you get this one?
  4. Agreed, and 'effortless' was the exact word I used in the game thread. Ball just came out of his hand and travelled downfield, no sign of laboring. Good to see and hopefully it holds up.
  5. The penalty wasn't even for taunting, it was for taking his helmet off. If he would have left it on the flag wouldn't have been thrown.
  6. Per the snap counts looks like Brady was on the field for 13, which was 17% of the total offensive snaps. Considering that no one seems to have noticed and we didn't hear his name I'm going to say he did OK.
  7. KSpan


    My brother and I were fortunate to snag Series X consoles from one of the Wal-Mart drops right before Thanksgiving last year. Crazy that this is still a thing a year later and I signed up for the Sony notification to see if I could get lucky with that as well. Prior to this I've always been a late adopter of consoles, not buying until the price drops, and didn't own any of the XBox One consoles. Not a ton of time to play these days but it's been fun being on the front edge of this generation.
  8. Or maybe the plan was to focus on CMC because they knew they could get favorable matchups, with a couple of extra checkdowns and the like going his way. Dude was only in on 59% of the offensive snaps, so this game wasn't the days of old where it was Christian every single play.
  9. Competent, which is a very refreshing change.
  10. As were their starting QB and arguably the best WR in the league. I'm not meaning to discount the win by any means and sure as hell won't apologize for loving every minute of it, but I do wonder just how much of a difference Kyler and/or Hopkins might have made. That said, man was it sweet just seeing the team steamroll an opponent. Feels like years since we saw this type of ass-whooping.
  11. Sam wasn't a cancer at all - he didn't seem to be actively negative. As I said in the 'Sam's reaction' thread he clearly gave his all to the team, he just didn't/doesn't have that je ne sais quoi that this offense was clearly lacking and also quickly regressed to where his play was a hindrance. No question though that the magic was there today on the offensive side. Hopefully it remains in place.
  12. Listened to the conference myself out of curiosity and more endless 'we' when talking about failures, even saying 'we missed some throws' like the entire team was throwing passes... true leadership right there. Might be a great guy off the field but dude's a loser on it.
  13. Brady had a couple head-scratchers today but seemed to stop getting cute in the second half and figure out to just keep doing what was working.
  14. My brother lives in Denver and told me his post game response when asked was that he was thinking he'd turn him back in for someone else to make the tackle...
  15. Elflein looked pretty good and the OL as a whole was a couple steps above hot garbage. Improvement.
  16. Since you mention maturation, I feel like this time away from Carolina and series of events may have been a net positive for Cam and helped him become a player he might not have otherwise been. It was still an utterly dumb move to drop him in the first place as they did, but what's done is done and everyone may luckily be better off at this point for it.
  17. Eh, no need to pile on the guy. He pretty clearly gave his all to the team and it just isn't good enough.
  18. Might not be too liked after that utterly pathetic effort on Slay's fumble return today. 14-point swing there that very well may have cost Denver the game. Not feeling too responsible for tackling I suppose.
  19. God that looked effortless. Accuracy will come.
  20. I keep seeing Simmons' yellow shoes and thinking flags are down.
  21. Now the rubber meets the road. Arizona spotted us 10, so keep building that lead and grind them down.
  22. Been thrashing them going right up the middle on the ground and in the air... let's go sideways... Brady outsmarting himself. Just keep the damn ball moving.
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