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Everything posted by NAS

  1. It's deceptive, I think Chuba is at his best as the second RB. Can keep fresh, he definitely looked good yesterday but if you put him in the starting role, I think he would struggle.
  2. Sometimes it's because they overtrain. I have no doubt Jaycee worked really hard to be in great shape, but sometimes you can get too lean. Also happened with CMC a couple of years ago, he showed up to camp in superhuman shape and remember his hammy popping in 3rd game of the season. I wouldn't give up on Horn just yet but will not pick up the 5th year option until he proves he can play a season healthy. Just like CMC, I would hate to see him go to another team and play perfectly healthy for years to come. Players may get these injuries out of the way early in their careers and play well for years to come. Thomas Davis comes to mind as the ultimate example.
  3. Sanders still somehow rushed for 72 yards on 18 carries. If he didn't fumble, we may be singing his praises today. He also caught some good passes out of the backfield. I was pleased with his performance, fumble aside. It doesn't help that Bijan Robinson looks like the most explosive RB since Barry Sanders and I don't think I'm overstating that. He made Sanders look ordinary.
  4. It was most likely a combination of 1. Bryce Young not expecting him there based on his pre-snap read of the defense 2. Not seeing him as Bates was in his 'blind' spot Tall QBs often don't see linebackers or safeties either. Everyone has blind spots depending on someone's position on any given plays. Hey, at least there were no batted down passes, or this place would have really lost its mind.
  5. NFL is a game of margins . Sometimes, one player can make all the difference. We sure could have used him yesterday.
  6. I was excited early on in the first drive, and the drive that resulted in a touchdown. I thought Bryce looked really good then, it's something to build on. NFL is a brutal league, Joe Burrow threw for 80 yards yesterday - Joe freaking Burrow.
  7. Even Chris Simms who was notoriously a Bryce doubter came out of this game with mostly positive takeaways about Bryce Young. Interesting that he doesn't even think the interceptions were that horrible, Bryce was expecting the safety to go deep but because we don't have a deep threat the free safety played more shallow than he expected. As he said, this is the NFL and I'm sure Bryce will learn from this experience. DJ Chark getting healthy is the most important thing for this offense, there has to be a vertical threat to this offense and Bryce needs to make some deep throws to keep these safeties from crowding the middle of the field. Watch from 57:38.
  8. I don't have any "second teams". I don't get myself emotionally attached to anyone other than Panthers. However, I do find ways to get interested in different matchups and storylines. My top games to watch will be in the AFC East, going to be a lot of fun to watch Dolphin, Jets and Bills, even Patriots battle it out.
  9. There’s no magic pill. Bryce Young will have to endure growing pains and throw them open, find a way to make everyone else better
  10. NAS


    U kidding me? I didn’t see any wounded ducks back there, if anything the deep attempts to TMJ and Mingo was evidence he can throw it deep on a rope when needed without too much air. If he comnects on just one of those your whole argument falls apart. Who has a weaker arm? Mac Jones, Tua, Brock Purdy, Jimmy G. to start?
  11. Well when some of us wanted us to tank last year when Rhule was fired, many crucified us but it would have allowed us to have a potential franchise QB without trading away future picks or assets like DJ Moore
  12. Night is darkest before dawn. Just need another magical run to hook us for another decade
  13. I think he is trying to keep his composure but there’s too much pressure being a #1 pick especially when a team gave up so much to get you. best thing that can be done is just give him time and let him develop.
  14. The TMJ one would have been a TD if he doesn’t slow down
  15. Every Bryce Young throw from his first NFL start. Looking back, it started very promising, he made some good reads and throws in the first half from the scripted plays. It seems when we had to go off script after the second half turnovers things fell apart.
  16. NAS


    You’re just trolling his size had no impact on his play and his arm looked strong.
  17. NAS

    My 2 cents

    And other QBs looked like hot garbage. Burrow was benched. Let’s judge Bryce at the end of the season
  18. NAS

    My 2 cents

    Yep he was hiding where Bryce couldn’t see him
  19. Rookie QB is there to make mistakes. It would ruin his confidence more to bench him
  20. No I think they should go into a game with ability to switch as needed. He is his OC there’s no shame in it
  21. Not saying it is but sometimes you have to change it up when things aren’t working
  22. It was tale of two halves for me. Wheels just fell off in the second half. Maybe Thomas should do the playcalling
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