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Everything posted by NAS

  1. I think his performances are right in line with previous top QB prospects in a rookie season who turned out to be franchise QBs. Stroud and Cam have been the anomalies not the rule. That said, giving up assets to not grab the top guy was an egregious error and heads should roll. However since the main force behind the sudden shift to draft Bryce was Tepper he can only really point the finger at himself
  2. Yep it didn’t hit me until this year
  3. Sure, I don’t disagree with that but If Bryce turns into the second best franchise QB of the draft, then I can live with that as long as he can be that guy for us.
  4. Nope. Bryce is still worth a first round pick. (Just not the trade up from 9)
  5. Sure you can, but every post is about that at this point. We get it, should have drafted Stroud, now what? That train is not coming back
  6. Step in the right direction. Now he needs to do it when the game is on the line
  7. It is a clusterfug for many more reasons than that. Bryce is the least of my worries
  8. Nope not bothered by Stroud’s success. He was my top choice but it’s water under the bridge and you all are so obsessed about it that you are totally miserable
  9. Dude you’re really discrediting yourself with these Clausen comparisons
  10. C is a fair grade but overall some promising throws and showing toughness in a really hostile environment
  11. I think he needs a better OL more than receivers
  12. Stroud was my first pick but it doesn’t mean Bryce sucks he just isn’t Stroud. Bryce will be a good NFL QB
  13. Young’s arm looks livelier when he’s not running for his life
  14. Problem is it’s still the same scheme even if Brown calls the plays
  15. This is the throw I want to see just once https://x.com/billym_91/status/1711076041861591538?s=46
  16. He could be like Derrick Henry just give him the rock
  17. I’m afraid we will never see a throw like this from Bryce https://x.com/billym_91/status/1711076041861591538?s=46
  18. They have no choice but to try and stretch the field now, right? Time for Bryce to do something
  19. BS not even close you’re just being a prisoner of the moment
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