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Everything posted by NAS

  1. https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/prevention-cures/487086-coronavirus-10-times-more-lethal-than-seasonal https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-11/fauci-warns-coronavirus-far-more-lethal-than-seasonal-flu
  2. See my other post. Unknown cases are accounted for, otherwise the fatality rate would be 50X higher.
  3. So you're the expert now? I think I'll trust the CDC and WHO than some random Joe on a forum. https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 At the moment I type this, there are 205,452 confirmed cases with 8,248 deaths. That's more than 4% fatality rate. Even if we assume 4 times as many unreported cases, that's still 1% or 10x higher than the flu which is at .01%. Death rates vary significantly by country and age. Italy is getting hit hard due to lower capacity of beds and an older population, compared to Germany who has a very low death rate so far. You're right that we don't have enough information which is exactly why we need to assume the worse case scenario instead of wishfully thinking this is like a flu. All the medical experts are saying don't take the chance and stop trying to downplay it.
  4. Experts say that the fatality rate is said to be 10x higher than the flu. If we assume that the 2017-2018 Flu killed 65,000 people out of 45 million who were infected, that's a rate of 0.014% . Multiply it by 10 and that means about 650,000 people would die from Coronavirus. The number is likely in the millions because Coronavirus is proving to be more contagious and the likely number of infections (if unchecked) would be 50-60% of our population. Just thought I'd put it in context for you.
  5. Nobody is calling for panic but please stop trying to downplay how dangerous his virus is. According to the WHO, 1 in 5 people become seriously ill. There is no telling how this Virus may behave and evolve. It is time for everyone to do their part and stop the spread of this deadly virus. Plenty of people who are not elderly or even without compromised immune systems have died as well.
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