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Everything posted by NAS

  1. This take sums it all up https://www.instagram.com/tv/CMVig5VB-ms/?igshid=1hmktxgsfm745 [email protected]
  2. You and I are both fans of Cam Newton. I pulled hard for him last year and hoped he would win a SB. Difference between us is that you are in denial about his arm. It’s not that he lost a bit of arm strength, he literally can’t handle the load of a full season throwing with his arm. When rested he can do it for a game or two, but not consistently enough to be a starting QB. Sadly, this type of degenerative condition doesn’t get better with time.
  3. Not even a debate, releasing Cam was the right decision. I would have waited another year until we could draft his replacement.
  4. That's because he wasn't attempting many throws beyond short and intermediate. With the same group of crappy wide receivers, Patriots went from throwing 58% of the time with Tom Brady, to only 47% of the time with Cam Newton. They went from 8th best passing offense (yds/game) in 2019, to 29th in 2020. Read the comments on their fan message board, 99% are shocked he was resigned.
  5. Belichick is concerned with Cam's arm strength, but liked him enough to give him another year. I would be very surprised if he plays much better. https://thespun.com/nfl/afc-east/new-england-patriots/bill-belichick-cam-newton-main-concern-arm
  6. What narrative? Nobody rooted for him last year harder than me, watching most of his games. I am just speaking truth, not bashing Cam. I would love to be wrong.
  7. They’re not that excited on their message board https://www.patsfans.com/new-england-patriots/messageboard/threads/cam-newton-resigned-1-year-deal.1154824/
  8. Bit of a stretch. He wouldn’t be as effective but I think he could at least throw for 20 TDs
  9. Throwing percentage is a poor indicator of how effective he was. Did you watch any games? Teddy looked like a gunslinger in comparison. Cam’s arm strength is a big issue.
  10. Cam used to be able to effortlessly flick the ball 60 yards downfield off his back foot. Now he looks like the ball weighs 50 lbs when throwing. It makes him second guess his decisions and hold on to the ball too long because he doesn’t trust he can get it there consistently. This is obvious. I think Patriots will draft a QB or sign another capable backup as a contingency plan.
  11. What? His arm did NOT look fine. He struggled to throw anything beyond 5 yards, often throwing at people's feet.
  12. I love Cam but I think his arm is done. He can’t last more than half a season
  13. With our luck he won’t drop to 8, too many teams looking for a QB
  14. I think the fact that he didn't specifically deny any of the trade rumors is telling
  15. hahah i remember her saying it had no basis in factual reporting Solid burn
  16. If only we had someone waiting in the wings. We're running on fumes. We'd have to overpay to bring anyone in free agency
  17. Alaina Getzenberg is a really good Panthers beat reporter for Charlotte Observer
  18. It would be idiotic for him to undercut the value of a potential trade asset
  19. Rhule just broke the news in his presser that their contracts were just restructured. Did not provide details....
  20. Rhule has high praise for Moton and says he's exactly the type of player he wants to coach, hopes they can work out a long term deal at some point in the future.
  21. Rhule says "Teddy's our quarterback", but also says " we're going to look to improve the roster at every position". Definitely sounds like they're moving on but trying to soften the landing
  22. Lance has Mahomes written all over him. Best pick at #8
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