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  1. How is this guy still employed by ESPN? He's probably the worst beat journalist I've ever seen
  2. So only 7 day 1 starter grades (6.5 or above). I find that hard to believe
  3. Also known as the Combine - Feb 27 - Mar 2 Are you going to watch more closely this year than before, any specific players positions you want to watch? I may actually tune in to watch the Edge and Defensive Line positions and maybe some late round Wideouts.
  4. Cam just keep digging the hole. He should have just said he misspoke and that he knows there were plenty of winners on that team. I mean Smitty himself was largely responsible for 2-3 greatest seasons we had in our history. I'm really disappointed with his lack of emotional intelligence, he has no business being on TV making a fool of himself.
  5. Cam is ruining his legacy with this crap
  6. I think Cam just couldn't handle the disrespect, he was like "I got paid enough".
  7. I feel like this was supposed to be our approach with someone like Jeremy Chinn but it didn't seem to work in the current scheme. that leads me to believe they may want players who are elite at a specific position rather than good in multiple.
  8. Give me Jalon Walker and Jack Sawyer in first two rounds and I'm happy
  9. This is huge news, retaining him is almost like signing a new FA. We need at least another year from him.
  10. I will always love Cam for what he did for the franchise but that was a self centered response. Imagine if he said “Yes” because of what it would mean for the franchise and the fans. He is already a legend but a SB win as a franchise QB would have solidified his status much more than the MVP.
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