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About PurityControl

  • Birthday 07/08/1980

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  1. Hey what's up huddle, hope everyone is excited for the upcoming season. I'll be in Las Vegas for week 1 and I was wondering if anyone had a good spot to watch the Panther game? not just on in the background somewhere but the forefront Thanks Huddle
  2. I will take any opportunity I can to ditch direct tv and stream out of market Panther games here in California. POS company I despite them
  3. Awesome, Bourdain is the reason why I wanted to be chef and a cook. I love him and I'm sad he is gone.
  4. I think it was you Dex or somebody on these forums that told me about "The Boys" on amazon, and I dig that one, so I will check this out.
  5. Reminds me of boxer Edwin Valero, who was dominating the competition even was expected to get a fight with Pacquiao but ended up killing his wife was arrested then killed himself.
  6. I thought he was going to pull through there for a min. Bummer
  7. compared to the Jets we do have a offensive line
  8. I dated a girl that looked just like the actress that played Sonya blade, every time I would call her that she would get pissed wouldn't get the reference even when I showed her she wouldn't admit to looking like her which is basically generic white girl
  9. Well Said and totally agree, I will always watch waterward if its on, at the very least its Original and Originality is something lacking in movies today, fifth element same. Just good fun I also love the Riddick trilogy, great mix of sci fi / action, love the character. I will only turn something off if I'm not being entertained, then off it goes and I will find something else to entertain me for x amount of time.
  10. Scorpion Baraka I'll still watch the first movie for the nostalgia, but F*ck is it bad
  11. Had mine done 9yr ago, easy nothing to it, small incision then a laser to sever the tube then a titanium clamp. Pain for a day (1-2 advil), then some general soreness for a few days, but thats it. I experience a few shooting pains out of the blue for about a year then that went away entirely. I did it for the wife, and now that my marriage is ending, and I'm in the dating world again, ABSOLUTEY the best decision
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