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aloysius snuffleupagus

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  1. Oh my! A functional competitive team; it's been some time since we've seen that!
  2. I'm still watching the early games (6 pm here), but not anything later. Of course, given we're sh1t, we won't have many later games. I can't see that changing as the seasons pass, even though we seem to be years away from pulling off a winning season
  3. Yeah, supporters are segregated at soccer matches over here, and it can lead to a really tribal and aggressive atmosphere with law enforcement everywhere. I'm just back from Charlotte and Atlanta, and thought the mixing of supporters was a breath of fresh air, and I'd hate to see the NFL lose that. The NFL London games with all 32 jerseys on display is a brilliant atmosphere too. Sadly, there will always be ar5eholes that will spoil anything, and you're right that alcohol (or bevvy, as we call it here in Glasgow) is a huge aggravating factor. You can't have alcohol at a soccer match in Scotland, and I doubt we'll ever get it back (41 years now). Too many eejits (another good Glasgow word) that can't behave ruin it for the rest of us.
  4. I'm over from Glasgow, Scotland for this one and the Monday night game at home. First time seeing the Panthers as I was out of the country when they played in London. Hugely excited
  5. I'm finally coming to Charlotte and want to buy an alternate jersey with Ickey on the back. I can't get it online in the UK (NFL Shop have warehousing issues) and the US version of NFL shop want circa $30 more for jerseys that aren't the bigger names (Young, Burns, etc) Would the shop at the stadium hold a better selection of jersey numbers, or is there anywhere else I should try around Charlotte? Also, how safe would it be to wear Panthers colours in Atlanta. I'm told the stadium is safe enough, but we're travelling in from the suburbs on the MARTA and that's the bit that concerns me a bit as a soft 'Brit'
  6. I'm finally making the 4000 mile pilgrimage to see the Panthers, so for me it's got to be my first Panthers' game (@ Atlanta), closely followed by my first visit to BOA the following game week. Can't wait!
  7. Umm, that was a pleasant surprise after the Steelers' debacle. I didn't see that coming at all.
  8. Poor Sean and Jameis... not! That was wonderful - Panthers miles better after some rough rides against the Saints in the last few years
  9. Yup, I wasn't suggesting he retired, but instead took a year out and came back refreshed. Who knows, he may get back in earlier than that.
  10. He's still a young man, and I assume rich enough that he can take some time out away from the pressure. I suspect we'll see him compete in someone else's Training Camp next year and get back in from there. He certainly has the leg strength and used to be far more accurate.
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