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Stuart Smith

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    Carolina Panthers

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  1. If there was a Justin Tucker I would use a 5th.
  2. Titan is discontinued after 24 model year, poor sales.
  3. Well, we had a hurricane. Not L.A. though.
  4. I wish the Panthers would use a 6th round draft pick on the best field goal kicker available. I have watched the L.A. Rams all year with a rookie kicker. Joshua Karty from Western Alamance High School in Burlington, N.C.-Stanford University has been steady for them all year. He was a 6th round pick.
  5. Bad Sam. He still holds the ball forever.
  6. Watching the Rams kick the extra point. Joshua Karty (Rams field goal kicker) went to high school in Alamance County, NC. His dad is a graduate of Stanford and wanted Josh to go to Stanford. A sixth round draft pick. I wish the Panthers would find a kicker in a late round.
  7. We lost one lineman for the season early this year. (Corbett) You can never have enough if he is BPA.
  8. Watching Darnold tonight it is obvious he is not very mobile. I will take Bryce over Darnold every day. Minnesota is a very good team. No way I give hm big contract. I want him to succeed, but if he goes to New York it will be Aaron Rogers 2.
  9. Your opinion, not what the coaching staff says.
  10. It’s sad that so many want him to fail.
  11. It is also useless to point out every flaw in a quarterback in his 2nd year without critiquing players around him for their mistakes. I had about decided Bryce was not the answer when he was benched for 2 games. With the improved play as of late he deserves a fair chance.
  12. Yes, and the kicker missed an extra point that would have won it without overtime. I have not read anything about him. If I remember on the trip Christensen stepped back into him.
  13. If you look at the statistics it can be deceiving. He made critical plays when he had to. I had rather have a win if he only had 50 yards passing than a loss and a 300 yard game. He is gaining more confidence. It has been a long time since the Panthers scored 36 points.
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