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Everything posted by Greatman77

  1. Before I spend 22 minutes of my life watching this, who is Dr. Carrie Madej and what are her qualifications?
  2. My company just announced it's first fatality from Covid-19. The self-destructive stupidity of the idiots on this video isn't funny, it's tragic.
  3. Aaaaaand, this is why the second wave is coming and will be worse than the first wave. How many deaths will it take for you to stop calling it a hoax? Fearless prediction: you will stop when you get sick or when a family member dies from Covid-19.
  4. As a cancer survivor, with a low lymphocyte count and who is in the high risk category, I sincerely thank you for this. I wish people would stop seeing mask wearing as any kind of political statement. The virus doesn't care about your politics (or mine).
  5. Donald Trump votes by mail.
  6. Not to worry, Trump is on Twitter talking about Michigan - but not about the virus or the dams breaking. He's raging about "voter fraud" because the state is mailing out absentee ballots.
  7. Not picking on you kungfudude but this post will not age well. It is amazing to me how much information about the seriousness of this is available and yet people are still playing it down.
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