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  1. The Panthers, Hornets and Charlotte Motor Speedway all have benefitted from millions of public dollars. Is there some benefit to the city? Sure. Do the people making these decisions to subsidize billionaire owners care what you or I think about how our tax dollars are spent? No, no they don't. Remember when there was a vote on funding for the new coliseum that failed, and the city funded it anyway?
  2. My office was on Tyvola Road, about a mile away.
  3. Looking better to me so far. But so much depends on Young's development. If he can start hitting open receivers in stride, I could see us winning 6 - 7 games. If his development stalls/backslides, yikes...
  4. A good start! So many holes to fill, glad they are being addressed.
  5. Glad we aren't trading one of our best players (again).
  6. That video was sweet but also bittersweet and painful to watch. We had such a good team with legit star players...How far we have fallen.
  7. Maybe he can help Young develop, it's just hard for me to get excited about anyone other than Harbaugh.
  8. Outside of the Greg Olsen trade, I am hard-pressed to think of any trade the Panthers have made that felt like a win. We need to stop trading away our best players and draft picks!
  9. In the internet age of instant news, daily newspapers, let alone weekly magazines, are completely obsolete. Nobody wants stale news. Still is a shame for us older folk that like a good bathroom read.
  10. Belichick was smart/lucky enough to spin a HOF career riding Brady's coattails. He's not dumb enough to come coach this dumpster fire of a team/owner combination.
  11. The only positive I can think of is that a potential hire would have maximum leverage in negotiating pay for a job few would want.
  12. With poor play at so many positions, I want to give Bryce some slack. But does anyone think he is showing progress? Sixteen starts, and zero points in his last two?
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