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Ted Ginn Jr.'s Hands

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About Ted Ginn Jr.'s Hands

  • Birthday 10/01/1980

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  1. He has to throw deep balls in bounds. He was doing that pre benching a lot, reverting to all his shittiest tendencies today
  2. This eagles d only gave up 240ish yds to burrow and lamar jackson. Bryce had 190 that is probably much higher if xl can catch and Sanders finishes his route at the beginningof the game. Not saying he is there, but I have changed my opinion on him.
  3. Another year, another huddle draft I would take over ours.
  4. If nothing else we made the douche who put 3 mil on the eagles sweat
  5. Kudos to Canales for having the stones to go for it
  6. Been doing pretty well on panthers props. Jt sanders hitting 60 yds is paying 13 to 1 on fd. Would have hit that easily vs kc if he doesn't go out w an injury.
  7. The development of the o line has made a big difference but one thing i noticed is he doesn't panic in the pocket as much. There were several plays yesterday where tampa players got loose in the backfield, and he evaded pressure or stepped into a clean area. Pre benching he seemed to panic and run into pressure a lot.
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