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Everything posted by ForJimmy

  1. I disagree. If your leader of the team doesn’t want to be there, it can’t bode well for the team’s morale. I can see him sitting out a few games to the whole year (yeah it’s that bad, especially after they let Watt go). Say they trade with us and get 3 firsts, Teddy, CMC, and a player on defense. They can draft a Trey Lance at 8 and let him sit behind Teddy until he is ready. (CMC and Lance can be a great future/foundation for your offense) You immediately get a band aid and potential at the QB position, plus one if the greatest playmakers in the league, plus a good starter on defense, oh and you still have two first round picks for the next two years. You can trade up and get your guy if Lance isn’t it and if he is you can build a great young core for the next two years. Holding Watson hostage hurts the team and makes Houston and even less desirable destination for free agents. Trade the man, collect your bounty of players and draft picks and start helping out the community with some much needed PR. I mean Texas definitely needs help right now...
  2. Because they would also get 3 1st round picks, a bridge QB, and possibly the best RB in the game? YGM has potential, Jackson is a solid young CB, Shaq would instantly be one of their better players on defense.
  3. Yeah, stupid team trying to beat other teams!
  4. 3 1sts and CMC plus players who have high contracts. For example 3 1sts, CMC (some people think his is high for a RB), Shaq, and Teddy. Shaq is a solid starter, Teddy is their bridge QB, and CMC keeps people in the stands (when allowed). We dump a ton of salary in CMC, Shaq, and Teddy which allows us to build a team around Watson. Extend Moton, sign a Trent Williams or Samuel and a solid LB. We would still have our 2nd and 3rds to draft potential starters. We basically need to clean up or cap if we are taking Watson’s contract and losing those 1st round picks.
  5. That’s probably where he belongs, but someone will overdraft him because of his position.
  6. Yeah that’s it. Can’t completely ruin a franchise for a decade. Nothing more than three years out. Thanks for the clarity!
  7. I don’t think teams are allowed to trade 4 first round picks. 3 is the max.
  8. I mean he is the closest thing to Watson in the draft. Great arm, athletic, competed at the highest level. He just hasn’t been as consistent or clutch as Watson is and was in college. That Clemson game showed a glimpse of what Fields can be, but so did Indiana...
  9. Yeah we won’t have a first round pick, because we will have Watson.
  10. I would say getting his best players in the best position to succeed is the best for the long run. The Patriots won their last “meaningless” game of the season against the Jets. They started Newton and the players that put them in the best position to win. Our team was on another losing streak and I think that win was great for our young guys. It’s how you get then to buy in to your coaching philosophy. Most coaches care more about winning than draft positioning and it makes the game so much better because of it. Can you imagine watching half of the teams throw in the towel the last 4-5 games of a season?
  11. I think I have the same 4, and Moton once he is tagged or extended.
  12. They already are handling it poorly by releasing Watt the moment he asked and acting like they won’t trade Watson for asking. I feel like the more screwed up they make it, the less likely Watson is going to be on board and will probably get traded. It’s got to be hard to be in Houston’s office and hear 3 1st round picks, CMC, and possibly another player is on the table and not entertain the offer. But like you were saying, Houston’s office is about as bad as it gets...
  13. Unless Watson does a 180, it’s going to be very difficult to keep him. The QB is the leader of the team and everyone knows he doesn’t want to be there, which can’t be good for the locker room. He almost certainly will get traded (especially if they can get 3 first round picks and two young starters). I’m not saying it will be us, but he will get traded unless he buys in 100% to the new staff (which I can’t see happening at this point).
  14. It dumps CMC’s contract to make room to sign a FA LT (like Trent Williams) also extend Moton (suddenly our line might be solid with Paradis returning). CMC is one of our best players, but his contract number is pretty large. Also RBs don’t have the best lifespan in the league (not saying he won’t, just thinking from both sides). If we could get them to take Teddy and his contract also it would make this tempting. Say 3 firsts, CMC, Teddy, and Shaq. That’s huge money coming off our books and yes I know Watson will carry a large amount as well. Watson throwing to Anderson and Moore would be very fun to watch and comes with huge marketability!
  15. Yeah you are right we should have benched every starter and punted the ball to make sure we get Fields or Wilson locked up without having to give up anything. 100% all in on the draft. What a message to send to your young team right. You have been playing well, hung around with GB and KC, but we want to make sure we get this rookie QB from BYU that has already had shoulder surgery, so put your competitive nature aside and if any little fans that are able to go to these games can suck it up and watch this shitty performance to make sure we lose to Haskins... Once again, Pederson tried this poo with the Eagles and now that team is a mess and he is unemployed.
  16. Rhule didn’t give a poo about the draft when he was playing Washington. He job is to get his team prepared to win that game and he did. I’ve never understood all this crying about a win... I don’t see many analysts stating “you know if Carolina just lost that game 4 weeks ago they would have a better draft pick. Such a bad call winning that one...” We won and we were the better team. That’s what should and did happen. Let our staff figure out the draft now since it’s that time of year.
  17. Our staff/owner kind of prevented us from waiting. They have all but thrown Teddy under a bus in a way which he can’t be a Panther next year. We tried for Stafford and missed, are trying for Watson but if we miss the FA or trade options we pretty much have to draft one.
  18. Coaches and players get paid to win. Fans and players on the team don’t want to watch the coaches start benching players and “experimenting” to get a better draft pick. It’s a quick way to lose a locker room. These NFL players are some of the most competitive people on Earth. It’s how they got to be as good as they are. We just watched the Eagles coach try benching players and he is now terminated because he lost the locker room. We pay our GM and Scouts to find players and not be served a top 10 pick whenever possible. There are countless examples of top tier QBs and other draft picks not being picked in the top 10 (Dak, Russ, Mahomes, Watson, Brady, Brees, Jackson, Rodgers etc...) and many top 10 QBs not work out (Mitch, Darnold, Goff, Jones maybe... all pretty recent). They will and should play every game to win and figure out draft moves after the season.
  19. We have an extra 5th for our compensatory pick. So we will miss out on our 3rd and a (hopefully) mid to late 1st next year to get our QB. If our staff thinks Fields can be the guy, then it’s worth it.
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