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About ForJimmy

  • Birthday March 24

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  1. That’s exactly why you don’t draft strictly on position in each round. We panicked and drafted an edge because we needed one and there was a run on them and looked how it turned out…
  2. Just go BPA. If it happens to be a RB later in the draft the sure go for it. We need talent and shouldn't back ourself in any corner stating we have to draft a certain position at a certain spot.
  3. It's a near 10% swing, but if you really want to look at the data, Horne would be trending MUCH better. Otah missed a completely season and only played 4 games his final 2 years. Horne just had his healthiest season yet. Otah's was also a reoccurring knee injury while Horne's were more random. It's really apples to oranges IMO. Honestly I think the comparison was just thrown out there for theatrics and just proven wrong. No big deal.
  4. A lot of us were saying this. It's just the new market for a top CB. As the cap go up the cost for a premium player at a premium position follows.
  5. Shemar would definitely help our run defense even more, but year lack of sacks is concerning...
  6. You want answers? I’ll tell you tomorrow at noon! Stay tuned!
  7. We miss more than we hit in the 2nd round. It was a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Nearly an entire draft but the 1st with SF didn’t have.
  8. More TDs last year in less games (double the TDs) and more yards per game. Those are some tough stats to brush aside. Career stats are good but we are wanting the player for what they are currently. DK had some drop issues too.
  9. Are you debating if it’s debatable?
  10. That's debatable. Especially if you look at last year.
  11. We may have made a good call trading him. What we did with the assets is a different story…
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