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Everything posted by Manna

  1. Watching this Miami backup QB play, our QB1 plays just like him.
  2. He's from the school of positive reinforcement. If that doesn't work for Bryce then I don't know what will.
  3. Damn it’s week 2 of the NFL and the 2025 NFL draft is more enticing than the Panthers
  4. Remember that year we drafted 3 QBs (2010; Jimmy, Armanti, that other guy) and 3 CBs (2016?) to replace Norman? Let's do that with all our picks next draft for a QB. Someone is bound to pan out.
  5. If being tosey is the only thing holding him back then that’s forgivable for me because that can probably be coachable. But besides that, he’s still got a lot going against him. Hes only a camp warrior because he knows he can’t be hit.
  6. at that price it's too expensive for me and I spend liberally. at this point I think the huddle can do a much better job re-establishing the franchise. we know what keep pounding means. we've had to keep pounding year after year of this poo.
  7. piggy backing off this: He has figured it out. However what he's figured out just isn't going to work, or is working, for this team and league.
  8. So that’s the excuse for Bryce now? What will they think of next? If he looks exactly the same with Reich, Tabor, and Canales the problem ain’t the coaches.
  9. Props to Morgan for making moves instead of just hoping someone steps up. Time to do the same for the QB position?
  10. We can stop complaining about Tepper because he’s not going anywhere. If it’s anything to go on he has been silent since hiring DC, so there’s a glimmer of hope. The issue is Bryce. This is what things would’ve looked like if we had traded our first rounder for Jimmy Clausen in the 2010 draft, then miss out on Cam in 2011 (not saying that Caleb Williams will be on Cam’s level). think back to how inept we were as a team with Clausen, and how invigorated the team was once we got a superstar in Cam. He had for the most part the same team Clausen had. until we can find a better QB we are stuck with Clausen level play.
  11. Why the NFL script writers have to give us such a crappy QB.
  12. Clear as day Bryce presents very entitled. Thats why he showed up to camp being the exact same player as last year. He’s not the problem, everyone else is the problem. need to make a change quick before it further impacts the development of mingo and XL. Heck peoples jobs are on the line and Bryce is negatively impacting their livelihoods.
  13. I don’t know how many more excuses people can come up with for Bryce, especially after today, but I’m always surprised.
  14. Canales has to make lemonade with a lemon at QB. He’s not the problem. The improvements to the line and playmakers were apparent in the offseason and it showed today. Guys were open and the offensive line held up (sacks were on corner blitzes). its my own hypothesis that Canales knows his QB1 sucks, and is doing all he can to show Tepper that. So now were 1-0 in that department.
  15. he's literally the same guy/QB from week 18 last year. not an ounce has changed.
  16. Saints are like "you get some stats, and YOU get some stats, and YOU GET SOME STATS." I'm tired of being trash in the league and division.
  17. The positive is that next week the Saints will come back down to earth.
  18. Have those supporting Bryce in the organization seen enough? I’ve seen enough.
  19. they be using the wrong kind of language here. we're retooling, not restructuring.
  20. at this point I just want all our wins to come against the division opponents.
  21. Thanks for the info. If the panthers were to even be given this information they’d promptly toss it into the shredder and proceed to attack your strengths instead of your weaknesses.
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