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Everything posted by Manna

  1. Wasn't the dabbing during his 2015 MVP season based on a rap song that took the whole world by storm? I still see kids dabbing nowadays and secretly, inside, I'm thinking "My QB started that."
  2. You're right, Hurney lucked out on the Chinn "conversion." I don't know if that was solely on Hurney though as I recall Rhule saying that they made the switch out of necessity. Nevertheless, things appear to be trending upwards with this new GM, and I'm hoping it doesn't end up similar to what happened to Gettleman.
  3. I know what you’re saying, but that was on Hurney or Rhule not fit
  4. At least he’s played oline before. I was thinking more along the lines of converting a QB to WR, DT to o-line, safety to CB and vice versa. Hurney was notorious for those projects.
  5. I dont know about Christensen, but I’d imagine the learning curve from playing linemen is not steep like going QB to WR (Armanti Edwards).
  6. It’s just a breath of fresh air to have a GM who doesn’t draft a player with the intention of converting the player to a new position he’s never played in his life.
  7. At least our GM got something out of nothing. Can’t say our previous GM would’ve been able to pull that off. I’m liking this new GM’s moves so far.
  8. Good luck to Denver. Teddy might have more success on a team that can carry him, and overcome his decisions to throw short on 3rd/4th and long.
  9. If memory serves me right, the last time a Panthers QB was coddled was Jake Delhomme in the 2009 offseason. Jake was coming off that remarkable playoff loss to the Cardinals in which he gifted the Cardinals defense 5 interceptions. Fox (if I’m recalling correctly) decided to move him along slowly during the preseason to help build some confidence in him. Then comes week 1 versus the Eagles, in which Jake continues to gift the opposing defense interceptions. If all the stars align, I can only imagine what we’d be talking about after Darnold loses to his former team week 1.
  10. Eh, Mac Jones only looks good because Cam is a shell of his former self.
  11. It is important to set him up for success, but I could see the opposite happening if he feels his coach doesn't fully trust him. I don't know about Sam's interpretation of Rhule's remarks, but for me, it sounds like Sam's on a short leash as they're trying to get SOMETHING out of him with the expectation that he's already busted. Rhule's past remarks also seem to point to them expecting Sam to be nothing more than a game manager, which in this day and age won't lead to much success. Being labeled as one could also be harmful in its own right if Sam doesn't see himself that way. Hope my attempt at sport psychology makes sense.
  12. I too have noticed how coddled Darnold has been by Rhule. It gives off the impression that they are trying to get something out of damaged goods.
  13. I sat through 2010 with hope. Jimmy went through that season without throwing anyone under the bus. Can’t say the same about Teddy. Jimmy knew he sucked and didn’t blame anyone but himself, and for that I respect him. Bridegewater made excuses. but back to the topic. Imagine a pre-injury Cam with this offense
  14. For once we have a corner running stride for stride with the WR, disrupting the WR, and doesn't look 10ft shorter than the opposing WR.
  15. One can only dream. Maybe with an 8-8-1 record
  16. I took that as next time, meaning next draft, if we’re in position to draft a good QB and Tepper has fallen in love with a prospect, he will “force” the GM to select said QB. That just means the owner meddling into football operations, which isn’t always a good thing (I think that’s what he was saying).
  17. the 2021 giants will be the 2015 panthers. common denominator = David Gettleman.
  18. He plays for the Carolina Panthers. He will get flagged for being in the area of the WR.
  19. Are you talking about how quickly that coverage melted away? Yup. Like butter.
  20. I don't know if he's always been difficult to work with, but based on my impression of KB, ever since his mother passed he hasn't been the same mentally. Grief can cause confusion and anger, but he has to pick himself up to be able to push forward in life.
  21. I don't think we've had a WR with that kind of stat since Agent 89.
  22. Shaq is who he is at this point. Even when we were having losing seasons, Luke was continually praised because he was a beast. Same with Jon Beason.
  23. we're probably in the business of developing players for other teams =/
  24. If those two teams meet in the SB again, it’d be hard to root for Cam regardless of how much I like the dude/player.
  25. I believe he targeted Kelvin then, who promptly decided to retire without attempting to tackle the defensive back.
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