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Everything posted by Manna

  1. well then, lets rejoice at being able to have a civil discussion about football post game!
  2. Right, moral victories don't mean much to fans but maybe it's worth something to the players. It was nice to see that there was no quit in the team. I also felt like there was a slim chance that a comeback was possible having no timeouts, but at least they tried. On to Philly.
  3. If they meant nothing then the Cowboy's wouldn't have needed to get one final first down to end the game. We were obviously staging a comeback with the potential to tie the game. We were down by 22 but at no point did I see the team, nor my fandom, feel like it was time to pack it up and quit. They can say all they want about Diggs being taken out for player whatever, but I saw him limping on the sideline. I also believe the commentators mentioned that Diggs had some lingering injuries so I feel it was more for his protection than saying "Oh we have this game in the books."
  4. I wouldn't call Darnold's touchdowns garbage time plays. We were one play away from getting the ball back, but Dallas called a great play to ice the game. Just because Darnold threw some picks doesn't mean he's regressing to NY Darnold. He will have those games at some point in his tenure here with the Panthers. I think he's shown already that the Jets were a hindrance to his career.
  5. Let’s be objective here: Our deficiencies were obvious and Dallas had a good game plan. However, the difference was the first quarter which I’m sure your fan base will choose to ignore. Both teams fought hard. Maybe we’ll see each other in the playoffs with both teams at 100% and see what that will look like.
  6. So the final score came down to ref intervention. Despite the team’s shortcomings they made it a one score game. Not bad.
  7. I’ve seen plenty of holds with Brown motioning for a flag at the refs
  8. Maybe, we really are the Carolina Christian McCaffrey’s lol
  9. I haven’t been this infuriated since the SB50 fix. Yeah. It’s a loss folks.
  10. I prefer that they walk into their game against the Panthers overconfident. The Eagles dont have our pass rush or offensive firepower. Let's hope the O-line shows up, or Brady/Rhule can scheme to protect/mask our deficiencies.
  11. Oline is a work in progress. Trading for Henderson just means he’s looking at maintaining our strengths which is the defense. I don’t see anything wrong with that as it’s something the previous regime never did.
  12. We can imagine all the horrible things he would’ve done, but he’d still find a way to surprise us.
  13. Oh I know. Just wanted to he “fair” and not bust out any tin foil hats but, it certainly felt like a certain SB50 where refs did everything in their power to shift/stop momentum of our offense. #cotchcaughtit
  14. I think every team commits penalties that go unnoticed. I also believe that the Panthers were specifically targeted last night because in the 2 games we’ve seen them they appear to be very disciplined. Burns’ burst off the line is so quick that, perhaps to an opportunistic agenda driven ref’s eye, it looks offsides. Several of Darnold’s long passes also looked like it happened only because the o-line held the defenders who got near, so I’ll give them that.
  15. Let's see...in 2015 we had Cam Newton, Jonathan Stewart, Mike Tolbert, Luke Kuechly, Thomas Davis, KK, Star, Josh Norman. 2021 we have CMC, DJ Moore, Robby, Brian Burns, Brown, Shaq (2021 version), Jackson (2021 version), Horn (based on 2 games), Chinn. I'd say it's about the same sans a dynamic QB.
  16. Watching that in real time it seemed to me like he wanted 31 to get down to allow the offense more time to play with.
  17. going to be petty and say that I am not very impressed with the athletic.
  18. He absolutely lasered some passes into tight windows yesterday. Dude has me optimistic about the QB position moving forward.
  19. Keep screening until teams stop it. Kind of like what happened in 2013 when Luke and TD stopped the Saints in that rain game. If I recall correctly, the saints stopped screening so much after that game.
  20. No evidence, but I have a feeling he won’t check it down on 4th and 8.
  21. ...then the media will overhype Zach Wilson even more.
  22. I hope Rhule didn't rig the voting this season like he did last season to get the QB a captain's badge (LOL - JK). off topic, but who was it that did that anyways? I think the captain's badge is a fluid thing anyways. What really matters is how you lead your teammates and by example on/off the field, whether or not you have the badge.
  23. Teddy 2020 (with CMC 3 games, mike Davis, DJ Moore, Robby Anderson, Curtis Samuel): 15 games, 3733 yards, 15 TD, 11 int we gained a stronger arm and better attitude. Not worried.
  24. If we still had Tahir Whitehead then Wilson would shine, but our defense has vastly improved since last season. Losing him alone improved our defense.
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