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Everything posted by Manna

  1. No point keeping him around as I have a strong feeling he won’t last 17 games next season.
  2. At this point I hate the panthers more than our division rival.
  3. The only way a rockstar OC will come to the panthers is if Rhule isn't employed.
  4. Would anyone really be interested in calling plays for Carolina with Rhule's reported ego, and not having any offensive weapons if we trade CMC? DJ reached 1k receiving yards again but he doesn't appear to be anything special (hopefully, yet). Robby has regressed since his payday. No QB, no O-line, and unproven RB (Hubbard) and TE (Tremble).
  5. I'd say that it is relevant. Solicited or unsolicited, he wouldn't say anything bad about any coaches or players/teammates publicly. He supported the Nate Chandlers, Mike Remmers', Byron Bells, Mike Shulas, Ron Riveras, and everyone else that has received ire from the fanbase/media (when deserved). His support for Rhule, I believe, follows the same pattern.
  6. I don't think Cam has ever said anything negative or thrown any of his coaches/teammates under the bus. At least, not publicly.
  7. You're right I didn't articulate my thoughts accurately. But yes, what I meant was for Tepper to step in and "ask" Rhule to make new hires, meaning he has to choose assistants from outside his bubble.
  8. For me this would be the worst case scenario, with him being fired next Monday being the best case. If Rhule is retained it would be best for Tepper to jump in and hire some NFL experienced assistants. That way, when Rhule is fired mid-season, those qualified assistants can take over and not folks from Rhule's regime. Sounds right in my head but who knows.
  9. (Most) Players are thinking about the long-term implications as well. If they call out their coach and get cut, no other team would pick them up for fear of conduct detrimental to the team. Unless, the player is a future all-pro, second chances aren’t typically given.
  10. The hatred towards Rhule has gotten pretty bad to the point where the insults are becoming personal. I don’t like his coaching but would never attack Rhule the person. On the topic of the chants, “No more Rhule’s” chant sounds more rhythmically pleasing to me if that were to happen. Rivera had similar issues to Rhule but the difference, to me, was that Rivera had NFL experience. He won a super bowl. So that gave hope to me as a fan. Rhule? Only successes he had were turning around college programs, which is great, but other than that his resume is meh.
  11. I thought it was a wonderful idea so that more of the world can see how terrible Rhule is. That way, it adds, hopefully, some more pressure for Tepper to make the right decision in letting this head coach go.
  12. Article from NFL.com says: Panthers: Little has gone according to plan for the Panthers, who lost star running back Christian McCaffrey twice to injured reserve and have started three QBs this year. In spite of a 5-10 record and five straight losses, all indications are coach Matt Rhule will return, barring an epic meltdown on the field or some unforeseen circumstance, sources informed of Carolina's plans said. Rhule should get the chance to complete his turnaround on the field in Year 3 -- with the hope that improved QB play in 2022 helps achieve that goal. In truth, judging the plan has been difficult without a consistent QB. With a few changes, including a new offensive coordinator, the hope is that Carolina finally sees the fruits of its plans. we haven’t seen any epic meltdowns? Really? Well I hope, and expect, the saints make that explicit today.
  13. Y'all bunch of ignorant negative nancies. Rhule's approach is "1000% working."
  14. Keeping Rhule next year only to fire him midseason when the same garbage occurs again isn't really a win, because we'd still be trotting out our interim HC from the same staff he put together. It's better to let him go now/this off-season and start over. For the most part, Fitterer has provided the team some pretty good players but the coaching staff coach them right/or see that a rookie with t-rex arms is clearly better than a "proven" vet.
  15. I was going to list out reasons why we are a clown show, but yeah, Skip, he right.
  16. My ideal Panthers offseason would be me finding a flight back home to be present at the Panthers Super Bowl Party parade...=/ whenever that will be.
  17. If we want to look at it this way, yes Rhule is correct. Holding the ball for 1 second is way too long.
  18. So he gave the QB a crap play call and got mad when the play was crap?
  19. Cam has always been beaten to a pulp his entire career, but seeing the blood flow down his arm today just brings out new feels. What's so hard about gettin that guy some help?
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