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  1. Only guys I'd bring back are: QB Andy Dalton C Brady Christensen TE Tommy Tremble CB Mike Jackson P Johnny Hekker LS JJ Jansen C Cade Mays
  2. So Canales did what Reich intentionally decided not to do. Props to Canales and Bryce for making it happen. The guy definitely evolved from a metapod to a butterfree. The real question for me is, will Bryce come into training camp now looking like a high schooler instead of the middle schooler this past camp?
  3. My 49er bandwagon fan of a wife wants to attend the 9ers game wearing Panthers gear. I might go
  4. We’ll see. It took a couple seasons to see the fruits of Mrs. Rhule’s decision.
  5. 5'10" < 6'4" If they want a fresh start I'd take both of the QBs they drafted last year. But Bryce is ours (for now) so I'm going to root for our guy as having the higher upside. I haven't watched any NE games this year so I don't know the context of Maya's situation.
  6. They were trash when they were with us. Getting cut by a struggling franchise were their wake-up call and they got their act together. We didn’t give up on anything.
  7. It’s about time we’re taking advantage of the opposing team’s weaknesses. We know other teams have been doing the same with ours.
  8. Caleb Williams is getting Bryce'd while Bryce is getting Un-Bryce'd. I'm not absolving Bryce but the common denominator is definitely Thomas Brown. Watching the Bears play brought back flashbacks of last season.
  9. And Canales is Shao Khan because he always yells out “Finish Him.” Canales always preaches “Finishing” the game…
  10. Bryce the Sorcerer, like Shang Tsung he comes for the opponent’s souls.
  11. Because he's all hands and attacks the ball by plucking it out from the air. I don't remember the last WR we had that did that.
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