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  1. I wouldn't take any of those guys over Smith. He took over games and willed the team to wins plenty of times. Delhomme would just randomly heave up the ball in his direction and he'd magically/acrobatically/sensationally come down with the ball with two DBs draped all over him. He also had a nasty stiff arm, can run through you, and get in your head. He was a super saiyan on the field. The more angry he got the better he played.
  2. Panthers have already replaced Burns
  3. Good on Dan (and maybe Tillis) for not caving in like their predecessor who most likely would have.
  4. Commenting before reading but damn, I appreciate the effort you put into this.
  5. Hekker was a dawg. I don't know why we didn't re-sign him. Maybe he was done here (can't blame him). I'll forever miss his fake punts.
  6. the consistent drive killer has been released. oh yeah.
  7. If Canales means what he’s been saying about winning the division, you’ve got to bring in DK.
  8. Is he an Evero guy? Bring him in
  9. Hot dang I wouldn’t be opposed to this guy has good vision, seeks contact, and always falls forward talk about tush push, this guy is the tush push in one player.
  10. I actually was just reminiscing about how great Phil Snow's defense was...lol.
  11. he looks disciplined and smart. I wonder how well he does in coverage.
  12. look at it this way, we're definitely winning at getting blown out. it's good to win at something.
  13. I dont know, Micah was in the sumo guy's environment. Sumo guy might not have what it takes on grass. Plus, that was Micah trying to bull rush. What happens when he does a swim move or stunt? I'm all for it so long as he stands strong like the Great Wall of china (yes I know he's Japanese).
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