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Everything posted by fitty76

  1. He'll be hauled into Roger's Kangaroo Court anytime soon.
  2. No more, he only beat her with a belt at a beach brawl.
  3. Don't worry he won't be on the 53 man roster next year. The coaches will see for themselves how much he sucks.
  4. I'm not a fan of the chick who plays Amanda Waller on Arrow either. Amanda Waller is fat. Not some skinny size 0.
  5. A little off topic, but I read somewhere that if you have a Roomba vacuum cleaner and a dog you are supposed to discipline your Roomba in front of the dog because the dog doesn't know where it stands socially in the house.
  6. They need to get into Mint Hill too. They're going into Monroe, but not Mint Hill? What the hell?
  7. Can a 38 year old straight male like Paramore? http://youtu.be/jH3f4v3Nsnw
  8. St. Vincent, Huey Newton. Stick with the song to the second part.
  9. 3 episodes in and I miss Peter Russo.
  10. I don't like when a TV show kills off major characters just for shock value.
  11. There is no way Jon is dead. Too important of a character to kill off. George has said in interviews that Jon's mother is still a mystery. Why make a big deal about Jon's mother and then kill him off? Doesn't make sense. I think that Jon is the child of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. Ned brought him back to Winterfell and said he was his bastard to hide his identity.
  12. The Passage by Justin Cronin. I'm 64% through it and it is nothing like I've ever read in my life. It's the first book in a trilogy about the end of the world. A lot of people compare it to The Stand. Check it out.
  13. The Black Keys. I hate it when I discover a band that's been around for a while. El Camino was their 7th album. Their 1st album is amazing though.
  14. The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.
  15. I'm reading "The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss. 52% in, and it is great so far. I've got "Ready Player One" by Earnest Cline and "Reamde" by Neal Stephenson in my queue. I'm also thinking about adding "Kushiel's Dart" by Jaqueline Carey. And for you Zombie lovers. Check out "Feed" and "Deadline" from Mira Grant
  16. With a new baby I'm listening to a lot of Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven.
  17. Finally! Cool new band. Fitz and the Tantrums
  18. When I'm posting a youtube video I'm using [quote=fitty76;number? Where do I get that number from?
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