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Everything posted by Basbear

  1. Im with you on those two, very very strong on vaccines, not so much on masks. Still wear them cause I dont view it as a political thing like many weirdos do. Sure its better than nothing, just most masks are no better than holding ones hand over their face. Im big on freedom and that just like everything has pro/cons. Ive said for years if some bikers that hate wearing helmets can find insurance, go helmets-less then. I do not care, so long Im not paying for hospital bills. The huge problem with being open-minded, is you let a LOT of shiieet. Its the price you pay, but Its the closest thing to true freedom. Learn how to dig though the shiieet and find the diamonds. Never think I'll master that, but I keep trying.
  2. This reminds me of the south park episode, where cartman is freezing himself cause he cann't wait for the wii to come out. He does and ends up being much later in the future. Religion is no more, science controls the world, but theres a catch. 2 groups are fighting cause they feel their science is truly correct and otters have evolved into a science lead group too. Such a great and brilliant series. They spend most of episodes trashing the others scientific beliefs and soon a war is inedidable.....Ine - ine - inedidable... During one scene the group of otters is preparing to attack while the others attack each other. A wise one comes into the scene and starts talking about how they shouldnt care that the groups dont eat on their tummies or need to cut trees down for tables. How they should see their way of thinking and compromise. Then some rando otter says "Kill the wise one!". Its a three parter too, if I remember right. Scientists have been getting brought since the term started, just follow the money. The truth and non-basis testing is all but gone, each group feel they need to lie for the "Greater good" now too. They want results to state what they believe and thats plain wrong. To sum it up, people suck no matter what.
  3. I missed the discussion, but dont let me stop the auguring on masks vs non-mask! ! Honestly the mask wearing people should be happy about the group they hate isnt wearing masks. Let them get a dose of Convid and watch the show! I did see a decent vid on some surfer dudes going around Huntington beach nicely offering masks. Its a very touchy subject it seems. Im see if I can find it.
  4. around month ago - https://streamable.com/oml2rf ~Runs out the thread~
  5. Everyone and every scientist said there would be a "2nd" "3rd" "4th" etc wave...... so now everyone but the USA has defeated convid and didnt even have the "2nd" wave?? Again if you dont test, no one has it... I mean North Korea had NO cases or deaths, simply AMAZING!!
  6. If time was in a fews favor they could get to those mountain bunkers and "live" there. I know CO had a few made for the elite of the elite. Maybe after a few years parts of the earth would be "healed". White house has one too, Seattle had a couple too.
  7. @4Corners could you please stop with the politics, PLEASE.
  8. Il try to save it- https://covidpathforward.com/ Harvard jumps off the top rope with the knowledge.
  9. This is true. I can not think of one friend or family that has changed in 20+ years. They all know I avoid the topic best I can, cause its pointless if your going to defend wrong. This 19 virus is just another tool being used to further divide the two groups. I swear it feels like this.....just the whole country is 50/50 and its like worst thing happening. Its like some group years ago wanted to destroy USA and started a plan. Its working.
  10. I have that same PAINFUL feeling bro, fully understand. If you watch this, it a has anti-capitalism part. Loosely terms- if big pharm doesnt approve of your 50 cents cure no matter how many lives it will save, they will ruin your life. Everyone is currently racing to find a cure and then patent it. I dont want to de-rail with capitalism talk while I talk out of both sides of my mouth....(Im beyond sick of everything turning into "how can we make more money off ______") its not without its faults and in my travels/time its much than other methods.
  11. They showed her book for 2 seconds and no one said "please buy my new books". Man all it takes is 2 seconds of a picture/frame/words and people are like "THIS IS BULLSHIIT!!". About pointless to watch anything if your mind works like that.
  12. "no idea if that the real arrest videos or not". That was my reply again no idea if thats the real one or not. Her message is not "this is my arrest video" either. Dont get hung up on a 2 second clip, this isnt a CBS deal or nothing. About nothing would surprise me about sending police to someones home. Ive asked a few friend cops and they say "it depends on how bored we are" was the main reply.
  13. She talked about the gag order, its over now lets see if she does release evidence showing a fabrication. She did say with a shadow of doubt. I dont know how unless she had cameras in her home and they picked up someone "finding" the papers.
  14. Plus no warrants, no idea if that the real arrest videos or not. She said she didnt have rights anymore. The anti-vax reports could have been made to dis-credit her and in this video shes said with no words twisting "Im not anti-vax" Then explained why in details. Whom do you believe? She could have easily had some notes on a pad in her home, if they want to charge you with something, trust me they will. I like to hear all sides, not 5 years of silence while the other side is dropping bombs on your rep.
  15. Do you see the part where a huge group of powerful people were dis-crediting while they placed a gag order on her for 5 years? Was report of the falsified report during this time? Ive never heard her side til now and totally against anti-vax people.
  16. Its worth a listen even for background noise. In this interview she claims shes not anti-vax. Her story is interesting and comments about the current times.
  17. This will make most go hmmmmmm.
  18. Both parties control and have ALL the power in certain areas, they all "failed". Both sides made comments in January, February that it wasnt that big of a deal. I at least see effort form one side, the other cannot do much other than comment on the other side.
  19. I need to kick my own ass. Shame on me for being a libertarian and not knowing Milton Friedman. Honestly disappointed. We share a few views, another reason why I consider myself an independent libertarian and walking alone. Thanks and I'll study up when time permits.
  20. No problem with that, I love Wal-mart. Saves the average American family around $3,500 per year.
  21. I have not had the chance to read Friedman. I will read this when Im not in Panther mode and thanks for information.
  22. That was what I explained earlier too. Build big ton-age dump truck beds that take up loads of surface area, ship them across the world, unload them, and transport them to your operation. THAT is WAAAY cheaper than local production!?!?!?! That is wrong, plain wrong. Right now China is already replacing slave labor with robotics in some fields. Its already happened is a few areas, the problem is start-up cost. A robot arm doesnt need sick leave/vacation, doesnt need a union, works 24/7/365, much faster, etc etc.
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