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Everything posted by Basbear

  1. If Houston 100% is against trading him, heres what Watson could/should do. At some point you have to report. Then play terrible, each bad week, his values drops. So Houston at that point has to either bench him or trade him before his value gets lower. Bold move, dont know if Watson has it in him to pull that off.
  2. HELL NO! Goffs' contract is radioactive, before Wertz it was the worse contract in the NFL. McVay has done pure magic in covering up for Goff. HOLY fug NO!
  3. You described it how I remembered, I think it was Cooper now. That was the beginning of the Teddy hate train, I thought for sure he was to say Joe Brady.
  4. No fan(stated that numerous times), just Im able to see and understand the bigger picture. Plus I dont judge any free agent in the first season(same for rookies), much less the all the facts I listed above. But haters going to hate or in your case bitches going to bitch.
  5. Maybe it was, my memory is not reliable. Not going to dig all Rhules' pressers to find out.
  6. Looks like this will either be the time NFL turns into the NBA, or thats on pause. Watson doesnt seem like type to sit out or report fat, Houston will try all they can to fix.
  7. Was it Cooper? Someone asked the question with thinking Joe Brady was going to get mentioned and Rhule came with a cruve. I think it was still Nixon, hes offense too.
  8. I heard Jeff Nixon played a big role, Rhule said so in one of his pressers. I was surprised by RR too, hes in my circle of trust.
  9. Rhule to me was compete unknown. I had huge questions and reverse about him. Baylor/Temple are not powerhouses and many his hires came form there. He suuuure did answer many questions and concerns for his first season. Super impressed, dont care about the 5-11 record. Team played hard and was in all games minus 6 quarters. With far less talent and less coaching experience, big props for me. Just cut out the pointless lying, please....
  10. Dont you know, Watson can hike, block all 4 defenders, play TE, backup TE, and even get reps at LB, CB, Safety!!!!1!!!1!! No one has answered me about -"How can Watson throw form IR?" Those future 1s, will be top 3 locks once Watson gets his neck broke. Huddlers dont care.....Get him if cost 18 firsts, CMC, Burns, Chinn...dont be scared!!!
  11. Any word on they replacements? Seems timing is odd, I mean with this weird scouting stuff, you'd think to keep everyone with a clue on staff til after the draft. They must could not be trusted, I know Carrier was basically Herniay right hand man. Mark ALlen form Seahawks is a name to watch, love to add him. Honestly this just made Fitererereers; job harder.
  12. CMC, Roddy ANderson, DJ Moore are not chopped liver. A couple of them could be HOFers. So if Teddy stays(unlikely)- will he have less, more, or the same numbers/impact? His first year staring since 2015(?), Brady first time installing O, new to queen, lost CMC early, no TE, no OTAs, no training camp, no off-season group trips, played hurt after TB, convid BS, etc etc. People have been far too hard on him. I believe, given ALL that listed, he could improve some. Thats my hope too, since we're on the hook for part of his salary. People act like he was the worst QB in NFL history, he played average and got a average check. Its not a win or lost. He set career highs with all of that too.
  13. Youre wrong tho, Culley is not as black as Bieniemy. SO houston still racist!!1!1!
  14. Id say Stafford is elite. Understand being different/picky about "elite" label. He was just the last one I thought of being traded, hell feels like he wore a leather helmet. Orton was a decent QB, who did get to SB was included in that trade. miss the early memes for those times
  15. We owe him no matter what and given all the BS, he could improve. Its not like this team is ready for a playoff run, get rid of him after the cap isnt effected.
  16. He did have a cannon. I feel about the same about both, not a fan, but not a hater either. Jay had waaay talent tho.
  17. I would agree, but Jay had some Teddy-type levels of haters. Jay was largely misunderstood cause of his resting dopey face.
  18. At least for this year, besides when a proven lair talks, I dont believe his words. Rhule could be playing the media like Jerry lewis with piano on fire in hell.
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