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Everything posted by Basbear

  1. I swear a few of these guys will just retire rather than take a small one year deal. Draft will be more valuable this year and UDFAs too.
  2. Bob is in my circle of trust for draft news, miss reading his pieces.
  3. 4. Sit tight and hope Lance falls to #8. This would be extremely risky and I think you only make this play if you're also willing to entertain another QB option in the draft. 5. Sign Mitch Trubisky. He's a free agent so no trade would be necessary. It would be a "prove it" deal so signing him wouldn't necessarily eliminate any of the other draft options already discussed. I would much rather sign Trubisky to a prove it deal than draft Mac Jones at #8. 8. Trade for Garner Minshew. The Jags are drafting Trevor Lawrence. Minshew has real value as a backup, but so would a mid-round pick to help them build around Lawrence. Minshew is also still on a dirt cheap rookie contract so this move would have minimal cap implications. Some of y'all might be rolling your eyes at this suggestion, but do understand that we are WELL into the "oh fug, this is NOT going our way" portion of the list. I echo these, just think its beyond dumb to trade picks for a QB for this current teams roster. Panthers need talent and picks help that.
  4. Maybe he identifies differently, did you every think of that jerkface!1!!11!1!!...
  5. That would fine, its harder to find a great LT than QB.... and with the current team its not a 100% must getting a QB this year. They tired to sign Haskins. Mitch, Hundley, and Garder are cheap options too. Should have signed Winston this past year for cheap, rather than Teddy two times..
  6. Williams was terrible as a LT and OG, *NOT* as a RT. He was 2nd team all-pro and just had a great year at RT again. So again should have kept and *played* Williams at RT and moved Moton to LT. Both would be around 25 years old and the OL would have been in great shape for the now and future. Panthers blew this.
  7. For personal reasons, Im glad he "stunk" and glad theres no combine for him too. I just hope enough brain cells are firing correctly over at Panthers headquarters to on top of the Lance sweepstakes.
  8. One of the biggest WTF about Lance is the concerns about his throws. How can you watch him run around then throw 50 yard bombs and go " Welll I dont know about this guy... "
  9. Calvin was in the wishbone offense. Not many teams since the 50s run the wishbone. Total different verbiage. His assignments for each play like blocking would be different than an air raid system. Clemson could call any play and gain 10 yards, until those championship games...
  10. Waldo just doesnt want to watch Teddy take another panther snap, plenty share that take.
  11. Honestly like I said it depends on what the NFL is going with training camp, rookie camp, OTAs, all off season stuff. The rumors are to get rid of all/most of it and that would ruin many rookies chances especially QB rookies. Rookies like Lance would be hurt the most. I thought Herbert would need some time and maybe the whole year, but every QB is different. Even the worlds best player needed one year of development, that can be a reason for Mahomes greatness as well.
  12. Should have kept and PLAYED Darrell Williams at RT, then moved Moton to LT. Now both OT are set and fixed for the long term....
  13. He does have poor throws, but raaaarely has INTs/TOs!! Nearly all coaches will run with 6 yards a clip, especially in a cold weather league. The one year of real tape does make drafting QB a higher risk and other recent one year wonders have not help either. He is not ready for week 1, but has makeup and skills to be a great NFL QB. I even say this, depending on the NFL rules for the coming year. It would make it super hard for ALL rookie QBs(especially Lance) to develop.
  14. Maybe the two worst valued spots on a team, now they double/triple down a dumb move much further... Could have cut shaq this year and saved more as a post June, now panthers are stuck with him getting with a 20 million cap number in 2023.....ugh. Should have never signed CMC to start with. Just 5th year him and maybe tag one extra year, then the wear and tear for cost is too much....as shown this year. Fritterererer should be reading Herniay left over notes, cause this is almost the same method he used for 15 years...
  15. Could have released him this year with a post June cut and saved 11 million with only 3 in dead.... net of 8 more than the kick the can method.
  16. You still didnt answer the question. Theres plenty of throws(without INTs I add) form Lance to watch and ND is a pro system. They averaged nearly 6 yards a run, why stop getting 6 yards in a less risk matter? Plus would you have passed on Calvin Johnson cause he didnt run many routes or catch many balls?
  17. If a defensive can not stop the run, like at all. Would you prefer Lance to start throwing or continue running the rock?
  18. Gross overcame that by being tough and harding work. According to players Peppers rag dolled Gross daily and almost killed his confidence. Gross said himself it wasnt until week 1 halftime, that he realized "Wow they dont have a DE like Peppers, its much easier!" Gross also said something that stuck with me too- "OL is about losing slowly". I got to dig more on Slater, one thing that I remember about Rhule with Derrick Brown. He talked about his personality and his focus, Reports have Slater being similar in that vein. Plus if hes the 8th, its a near must hes a LT....unless he can be a nasty Nelson clone. I respect DJs opinion and hes been bragging hardcore for Slater months ago.
  19. Feels like Gross was drafted 80 years ago. The current group of DEs are LOOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG armed freaks. Only thing that beats long arms is long arms. super rare exceptions
  20. Nevermind seen his arm length, thats a little short for me......
  21. Does ANYone fact checks these days, like real checks not its against my agenda BS. My old man said to me, "In my day you had to get at least 2 credible sources before you run with a story "
  22. The only reason I can think for NOT running is a team gave him/agent a guarantee selection.... got to be early too. Part request too. 21+ MPH in pads, thats legit NFL speed no matter the position. Id still run and its still sus about him not trying to improve his draft stock aka millions. He could have gotten injured while working out too, just adds to the mystery.
  23. I looked into reddick some. 2 things stood out- yes he did have 12.5 sacks, but 5 came against the NYCgiants in one game. The other was Chandler Jones got IR'd early season(about after the panthers game where Little man-handled him...). Reddick took over his role, got favored matchups, and 1vs1/0s. Bonus Im always always always worried when a palyers has a career year in a contract year, as Reddick just did. Before the start of this season Reddick was a rumored cut, just had a poor first three years.
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