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Everything posted by Basbear

  1. This guy is the wish version of Jon Gruden.
  2. "her underwear has dick holes"
  3. Neither..... given what the public knows. I mean if Im forced to pick, Rodgers. But if age isnt a big issue..... I know hes been on a tear with his women problems too......just not at the same rate as Waston per say. Rodgers and one of former ex-esese boy body Danica Patrick both bought a 20 million home with both putting coin in. Among others stuff, dont know if everything is resolved. Hes already replaced her with a another clone as well and I think they are getting married soon...
  4. Came here to post this. ESPN should not have aired that, but theyve been slowly dying and need something to "debate" on their 17 debate shows.
  5. Seems we saw different clips/videos. A couple days after he signed, I searched around twatter and found clip after clip of him getting rag-dolled. First time in a while I felt sorry for a player, it was like 2019 Vita Vea vs paradis over and over. He did give me some hope by saying he had a thumb injury that prevented him form lifting weights. By god he looked weak. He did look fairly good in space and pulling, moved well. Im in wait and see mode for Elf and not giving the panthers or him any built in injury excuses either. For me hes the insurance policy for this season and the C in waiting after Paradis leaves after the season is over. Hes GOT to get stronger.
  6. Pass and Im a KK fan. Drafted 2 promising DTs, unless injuries hit the group hard.....Let him keep DMing Instagram models in retirement, hes a pros pro about that.
  7. Just weird...hes story til now full of highs and lows, thought Teblowsmania was in the past...... Coaches all over begged this guy to switch, he was like "nah I going to stay the worst QB ". What ten years past and his quitter dad-figure brings his show to the Jags...... Just sign to be a pastor or makeup a label like male cheerleader Teblows. Too stunty for me, watch the Jags put him in their ring of honor when he retires in 3 weeks.....
  8. If Rodgers was more stable, Id be down for the risk.... I mean hed have to score 40+....and for most of the games I think he could. Luke would need to comeback as well, then I start planning for the Superowl......
  9. My optimism starts after the 2022 draft, til then "fug this timeline". Its not my role to poop on those who are talking playoffs and such, Ive been hurt too much to follow that thinking. Have another 2021/2020 draft in 2022 AND Darnold is a legit NFL QB, divsion should be perfect ripe for the pickens. Just need to have one more year of growing.....
  10. O noes @Zod ........... "panthers huddle " better make some calls, dem fightin words!!!
  11. Still beat 1st round pick Brandon Weedon, I think by one year...
  12. All that said, Id still took him over a Long Safety......
  13. Bro I used 15 versions of "should", Im out the farthest out on the branch without fully putting on the homer glasses. I too did not care for Elf or Erving, both have put out AWFUL tape for the last three years(same for ginger cringer...). So I am in wait see mode, cause my current report would not be a nice one. My 4 out of 5 statement did not include either Elf or Erving(not for LT) btw, I have both on the bench for 2021..... You have every right to be skeptical, but I can not give the hope stamp like last year. My hope is Rhule and Pat can pull off a miracle or two.... Live game snaps in preseason games, before I make a prediction. Plus fyi dont put too much stock into Brown looking bad in 1 on 1 drills, a OG always has someone to their right and left.....those drills always make C/OGs look bad. OL play as 1, not 1 vs 1 too. I can give you some hope for Brown @stbugs included. If you havnt seen Brown pulling or showing max effort check this out- https://twitter.com/colecubelic/status/1060295663194390528 Could be Im high on hopium, but I believe both Moore and Brown will be focused on proving the doubters wrong. My main hopes for each is in 2022 tho, but that happen sooner.
  14. I too was screaming for Smith, especially late rounds. I do understand if your 3 doctors all come up with the same conclusion- Pass. I did read up some about him, seems he did not practice with teammates much at all during the week. He was on blood liners most of his career and that does make injuries more risky. One concussion and your career could be over, G little had about 3 in a short time frame. He is going to get injured, blood flow is the key to healing. He is going to need to constant monitoring and one simple injury hes in danger. I know Bill Billcheat cut my guy Kevin Love cause he had diabetes. Love attacked it and got it under control and had a solid NFL after leaving them. Here is another tidbit about me- in the 7th I wanted a LB, bad. I didnt research much of the players after top 80 or so. But I did lots of mocks and one familiar name was still available. Jonathan Cooper was one of those LB/DE Reddick like players, team captain at OSU and put out great tape/stats. DRAFT HIM FINSEESER YOU COWARD!!! Turns out he has a heart issue and he going to miss some time(rookie camp otas etc).
  15. Blowboys have a team of helpers for all their players.
  16. Kungfu I believe you thought the 2020 OL was going to be ranked in the 30s, I predicted they would be mid-pack(alone as a remember).....and for the most part they did. Im not ready to make any sort claim with this current group, maybe after preseason games. Still the right side should be fine, as long as Moton is healthy. LG should be filled form big pool of able players. LT is where my HUGE questions are, still they *should be able to field 4 out 5 with at least average NFL players. That one is the big one tho. For me its TBD, need to see live game and real reports. St I can not disagree with adding Smith over a Long Safety....... as Ive said using draft picks on any STers is against my religion. If Im not ready to call 2021, no chance Im ready to call 2022. Moton seems to be the key, honestly to both seasons. Just the reports are he wants top LT money, thats a hard pass for me. Tag him again for a bargain and either play it out or trade him. 20+ million for ANY non-QB is a hard check to sign for me. Be like Dbrown wanting top DE money, tag and wait it out another year.....see if the agent comes down to earth... Far as the 3 OLmen form the draft, I really reallly like the OGs Brown and Moore. This year maybe a red-shirt for both or one maybe starting mid-season. Could be the 2022 starters, just how well they adapt to Rhule/NFL/defenders. Both are strong and I do believe each will be out to prove a point. Christensen is unknown to me, dont hate him or have a solid opinion. I do have far more questions about him- he was 24 years, 4 years older than Sewell and most of his competition. 19 years old vs 24 there is a huge gap in everything, you should be dominating. My other big issue is his level of competition, I do not think any of the players he blocked(maybe one) will be drafted to in the NFL. He was never tested at all, well that is about to change and how he reacts to getting beat like a drum will determine if hes able to be a Wharton or Little type of player. Personally dont see him able to fill the LT spot, better fit as a OG(sight chance at RT), but he could prove that wrong....
  17. I hope they are right! I had him right with McNeil(mid 4th ish), which was why I got a little nervy when it was becoming obvious he was going in the 3rd. Honestly I was for Nixon with the 4th pick, I had no idea about RBs since I only focus on panther needs(which means I was wrong about that). I just thought RB wasnt a need and FA market is flooded with decent players (UDFA too). Panthers have too many needs, but finesser added 4 picks so no issue with using a mid-late rounder on RB. Nixon....o my he could have a KK impact, just got to hear how he does in the weight room. While KK looked like a melted snowman, all reports I heard were he one of the strongest panthers. Plus now theres no need to resign KK, but Im trying to stay grounded about most of this draft class. Ive already blew my "homer overrating" load on Brown and Moore. Nixon is right there too along with Marshall & Smith. At one point bleacher report had him going 12th overall and many had him as a late 1st. https://www.nflmockdraftdatabase.com/players/2021/daviyon-nixon
  18. I swear, I am going to do another bet with posters that feel the safety are trash. I was right about last years OL being better than everyone thought. Just got to figure out how its judged. Not referring to anyone, just as a whole. My main need/want heading into 2022 is LT. Honestly thats about it, as far as the highest want/need. OL in general, but I think OGs could be found and they maybe already on the team(Brown&Moore). Elf I feel will be the 2022 C, how he does....well Im not going to say either way right now. Christensen is the wild card, could play a big role this year or next or be a RT or LG or RG or LT in either year. I know the players he put up high ranks against will NOT be playing NFL ball, they will be driving trucks or bouncing at bars come 2022. LBs, but again I do not know what Phil Snow will showcase. DL&CB have had draft capital spent there, no worries, just need time to grow. WR got young talent too, 4 is a big number too. TE has a young guy and a specialist, but how much effect does this group need with WRs and CMC? QB will go right to the top if Darnold fails, I am taking a wait before I make claims. Its almost scaring when I think about my confront level about the current and future roster. Have I been finessed by the finesser??
  19. I did not, honestly my only two sure bets where Barmore and Onwuzurike. After them was a massive drop, imo. No 1st rounders, I was about 50/50 on, but had to be late 20s at best. Just hated the whole class overall talent and didnt feel the value was right til the 5th/late 4th. I didnt like the fresh report for McNeil, felt like he was going about where he did(mid-3rd). Like a few of the DTs, I thought Nixon had a decent spot at being a 3-4 end, which brings me to..... Besides it didnt matter if Nixon was drafted before round 4th. That would still give me the win! Milton Williams is a DE, philly still runs a 3-4 far as I know. No chance a 275 guy is a NT/DT in that system unless ADonald wants to play NT. Hence why he was announced DE and the graphic had DE in his profile.
  20. Right at this time, Im planning on tagging Moton for a 2nd time. 20+million for any non-LT OLman, fug that. At the end of the 2nd tag he would be 30, dont want 20+ million tied up in that. Tag and trade is another option, Javis Landry had that happen. Honestly the only spot where I had huge concerns is LT. I believe someone will step up and win LG role. Not going to start pulling a stbugs about sewell to the lions, just wished they would have gave the panthers the option to pick Sewell. Future does look decent with the guys form this draft, moore could fill a role in 2022. Elf and Evring while playing like poop, maybe the Rhule and crew can work a miracle. But I want the same thing I wanted in 2021 in 2022 draft- 3 OLmen, 2 of which need to be OTs.
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