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Everything posted by Basbear

  1. This better be for something other than OC.......hes got no OL teaching skills, so NO OL coach either.....I SWEAR it better be at max for something like a Coaching Assistant role. My Rhule support is going to raw dog me.....
  2. Yep the connections are adding up, plus hes already been though Texans hell, which was worse than Panthers hell. Its super silly to think a huge name will be calling tepper/rhule non-stop begging for OC duties. Tim kelly is young and already gone though some BS. Best choice given the weak others. So Rhule will pick someone else.....fuging Scottie just got a 2nd turn.....I may flip my "3rd year" Rhule support form that alone, hes super luck to be in the NFL.
  3. John sold me. Well compared to Scottie or Bob, Tim Kelly is the better pick. Rhule loves PSU and has some BoB ties, that means he should be held in good graces with Rhule. On the Tim Kelly train, dont care that Pep said no.
  4. He did, god what a sad era of OCs....... I defended Dan henning like p55 did with Shula. OC 1st job is to do what the HC wants........ he did that along with feeding the smitty stud. I miss seeing those constant Stephan Davis runs and he breaks one. Dan controlled the game, a TOP master.
  5. Best OC in panthers history-fact
  6. Panthers had nearly 0 "comeback factor" once they are down, didnt even need to be 2 scores, 3 points would do....... Then its run, run, run and the panthers SOFT-ASS DL could not stop it, thus the game was over in theory.... SO the passing stats never got challengeda and stood til the end of year after the epic first 4 week start. I saw it and others were like "LOLOLOL whatever Bas they are 2nd derp derp darp.." I dont see red-zone, but that was buns as well(i bet)....
  7. I told you after about 3 weeks of Elf playing C, he wasnt dogshit and maybe can be counted on for future. Hes not in Kalil of "not worry about finding a upgrade." Panthers need help and if Elf can limit for one less "find replacement" thats soooooo needed. My OL hope is as follows- LT- 2022 1st(even with trading back) LG- Chirst C-Elf RG- FA or Brown or Erv or trade or UDFA savior or PS surpise RT- Moton Still need swing tackle, 6th OLman, young project in order for 8 men game day jerseys. Need a miracle worker as OL coach too.
  8. During the mid-season, I had it out with 5+ huddlers when I said this defensive was NOT top 5 or 2. Where are you stooges at now?? You you still willing to say this is a top 5 group. "Your eyes/gut is wrong Bas". I always callout my rare mistakes, never see it the other way...
  9. This one is tough choices after tough choices. Some facts, there are 12 nfl QBs on this soon to be 8 billion human planet. Kirk is one of them. Over the last 5 or so years hes firmly in the top 5 on many important stat ones. Wins being one of them...... I seen some posters call he dumb, he has fooled teams/billionaires into giving him around 200 million, thats beyond smart. He knew the market and knows he one of 12 QBs, played the system like he made the system. Cons- Big wins/wins against better teams/playoffs. Hes almost like a wish version of Peyton Manning, one of the best in the regular and playoffs is struggle city. I think hes a spider that will trap you in his web of hope, during which youre giving him top 3 QB money. While in his web youre flirting with playoffs and if you make them its one and done. If the goal is SB, hes not the guy imo. If the goal is 7th seed/last team out of the playoff race, hes a solid choice. Hes 3x better than any QB on the 2021 roster. Id take him, *BUT not for 45 million per. Agian theres only 12 true NFL QBs and he is the 12th, so.......still not wanting to give him 46 million to go 7-10 on this team.
  10. Maycock found out the hard way when another has all the power....I think he can do better, but those raiders drafts are some of the worse league wide.....and they had good numbers to use. He'll land on his feet, if not I do miss him on the NFL draft network
  11. burrow has superior confidence, its very close to the cocky line.
  12. I can not believe Perryman didnt work out, hes perfect for this team..... guys a mid-rookie isnt going to cut being a starting NFL MLB, need to sign a vet. Luckily the price for MLB is among the lowest.1st team all-pro Camphell was signed for 2million 1yr and a free agent this year. Do need to throw a dart and maybe a couple UDFA top SB types, its a bare group given its just SHaq and some guy.
  13. Ben became one giant mess. He has questionable coaching gigs at best, that time-line is mixed with years out of coaching... He does have a couple good years at OC, back in the stone-age period of early 2010s....By the end of his giants career the whole team hated him and out of spite he benched Eli, total douche move. Theres like 85% bad, 13% good, and 2% unknown.
  14. Making an NFL bicycle your girl friend is the poorest choice one can make given youre CMC. I dont get it at all, very simple Jeter and dicaprio have the it ALL figured out. follow the master blueprint.
  15. Scottie Montgomery or Ben Macadoo???????? Given the NY ties, Ben feels like the leader....hard to figure this out, I swear those have to be the two worse choices you can pick, is Rhule trying improve the O or ____________?? As of now Ben is the best, is there room on the fire Rhule bus...... I need proven NFL coaches with the 3 hires, not some BS Rhule"the way we do things, blah blah...." Guys that been there done that, more than once..... Dont F this up Rhule....
  16. read somewhere that hes getting 22 million for that one year.........hes ok!
  17. Given the current team, the OL coach is just important as the OC pick.
  18. He was just like Brown, should have gotten more snaps. He played hard each time and they never rewarded him. he plays the run better than Burns.
  19. Chargers fired their ST coach Panthers interviewed a old friend, former giants ST coach Thomas McGaughey. let scott have at the details if he wants
  20. I found the rare all-pro believer, I thought you guys were extinct! Hes the rare out-liner and one hell of a worker. Proved hes able to have the Chase Young game over and over, props to him.
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