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Everything posted by Basbear

  1. Think of it as a Humiliation trail. It is sorta similar to making Rhule play Cam Newton. Daboll had to push for Jones getting that awful huge contract. Giants had some success with devito and he's under contract control unlike lock. Unless he wins and odds are totally against him, he's gone.
  2. Donald is long term huddle member, I doubt he would cheat. Besides no other members cared enough to answer the questions, they didn't want to go 0-4 like I did.. I watched and record like the games and wasn't close to the answers. fooled this "super" fan. I thought others would enjoy the mid-season lesson, but 99% would rather talk about BY for the 828th time.
  3. Im no fan, but my god the man has had three 12 wins in row, that's insanely great. But if you bring up playoffs, I fold lighting fast... he's still gone.
  4. he needs to buy and use a juggs machine.
  5. I finally heard some insight into this. Basically devito is under contract for the next 2-3 years and lock is not in their 2025 plans. Brian daboll agreed with others about giving Jones the big bag. Maras want a 49er correction ala brock purdy made the trey lance mistake lesser of a hit. Daboll has the remaining season to fight for his job and they want it done with a control asset.
  6. You got 2 out 4 correct(amusing your order is off)! Better than me!
  7. Weird they went straight Italian, about the only reason is tank. Panthers were hot after drew lock last year, loads changes, but I still thinks he ends up on Carolina. Maybe lock told the giants he prefers his health over a fail showcase.
  8. the rumors started last week that he and gm Trent were going to sent packing with a poor showing.
  9. great look by him, cancer his way off two teams that wanted to keep him badly. Now on new team he's got what 1rec for 6 yards in two games, that's looking great for your incoming free agent resume!! fuging donkey, he was the clear #1 here and they force the targets at him each game. karma....
  10. with Panthers winning and ravens losing- that 5th for 6th round trade is getting better.....
  11. after the fact, they should have on-side kicked it now.....
  12. Former ST coach John agreed with you, I thought for sure you'd go for it. there's 2 chance- the kick and downs.
  13. coming down to the wire ravens down by 8, driving 1:11 remainin
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