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Everything posted by Basbear

  1. Yea everything is nearly made there and the "new" made in the USA is "assembled" in the USA. Entire towns are made around what products are needed, they have all the control. China wanted to make everything and nearly have. One of my dads friends makes dump truck bodies and started out local. Soon it was taking off and he simply couldnt keep up and profits where going down. He went to China (a few times) spend a couple weeks and found a smaller foundry that gave him INSANELY good prices. Now hes the worlds largest producer of dump truck bodies. Both have become multi-millionaires, both where small time at the beginning too. Its funny cause over the years hes gotten plenty of offers, but he will not leave the first Chinese guy. Apple has been over there for years too, EVERYONE with a brain is, its simply part of every business model now. That doesnt need to change, just make it more equal for small local to compete. Many where on deaths door and the 19 finished them.
  2. I found out years ago, a person form china could ship a item to a customer cheaper than I could. I like many others want to buy "USA" etc, but using slave labor makes buying Chinese mech so much cheaper. Many times you could buy 4-10 products for one usa one. Plus the magic part is now they are MUCH better at copying the better product, where as before most items where junk. Past time for a need in charge, unless its a specialty item, USA simply can not compete. Need to even up the playing field, but also USA needs to find other ways to "make" it too. Thats a whole another topic. Middle man and consulting is what USA has become, and thats a big joke.
  3. I dont know if its a current vid, but it shows Hubei Province in China back to "normal". Kids where playing Basketball and people where out in the streets. idk. https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=kfgpc_1584554415
  4. Sorry, thats about the worst combo too, just....I have similar deals with my parents, if my pops gets it I give him a 50/50 4x heart bypass 12 years ago and blood clot on his lungs 4 years ago, been on oxygen 24/7 since.
  5. Well I got a new shotgun that needs testing, come on by!!
  6. Best thing to do is quarantine yourself.
  7. Just the way current people are, I dont even want to that start a different topic and press that nuke button. Plus forcing this into a politic poly, just not the time, and should be off limits. Use your god-dam brain. Act like you have the it and we humans will get though this.
  8. Best thing everyone can do is act like they already have the corona virus and act accordingly within the guidelines. Im not panicing and echo lots of @kungfoodude , but I kept hearing and have since January that this could get movie bad. Not buying that at all, the biggest thing I learned was I was a doomsday pepper already cause I already kept close to 2 months supplies handy. Hell any clearance sales, I stocked up on the goods. Thats one good thing about having space.
  9. What type of normie didnt already have a supply?!?!? Im disappointed in you.
  10. Get some rest Fiz, you people are the real MVPs. When do you feel this will be back to "normal", best guess and add any other information that you feel the public needs. I heard form my nurse friend, she is swamped and they only had 6 total hazmat suits. They where testing people in their cars and telling them to go home.
  11. I HAD all that and some, one night took 6 roll-aids, 3 4oz drinks of maalox, along with pepcid ac..... it was not working. All around 1am til 6am. Sweating form head to toe, also.
  12. This actually makes sense...
  13. Ive had some of the worst heart burn ever recently. I thought I was tough, I was crawling up walls for a good 45 minutes. I was not in control of myself and told my friend they may have to take me to ER. I finally went to docs, "its just hearthburn, lolz".....
  14. Italy is the new China. I dont trust their information either, still they took this program up a few degrees. Italy has more old people too and took a different way of handling in beginning. They wised up.
  15. Heres a good website- https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ Updated hourly and full of information
  16. How does one donate to thee riot?

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