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Everything posted by Basbear

  1. You never claim the real amount......thats what my friends did....
  2. You think Im joking about the painters, but rumor was they got tired of moving Davis up the ranks. SO they asked Davis to go ahead and break the top mark at the start, rather than slowly climb. So he did.... He was truly gifted about lifting.
  3. Im sure most GM do the same, at least ones that are on friendly terms.
  4. Hes in the dark horse group for me, just like Kwity Paye. Not for nothing, but the thought of having CMC, Pitts, Samuel, Moore, and Anderson on the field together.....o my god. SOmeone would open 100% of the time. Id like to see, do you have any vids of him blocking LBs this past year? Do you believe he can block NFL DEs, given his current frame? My cousin played at Maryland and held the dead-lifting record.....until Mr. Davis came to campus. All the records where painted in the weight room, in top ten format. The painters were wore out by the time Davis left, as he owned nearly ALL of them. He was one of the first modern freak shows, before people over used that label. Most of the records were held by DL, OL, LB, and RB and this is recorded history. For TE to break all of them in three years, beyond impressive.
  5. Yes to answer your last question, but I dont like no one form that group. I blame Funchess for my opinion on Pitts, cause thats the player I see. Great in breaks, but not well enough to be a WR. Then for a TE hes doesnt block as well and has a WR frame. I seen where teams started to shadow him with their best CB with him and it worked much better than SS, LBs, and nickle CBs. Hes in a weird spot for me, doesnt block well enough for TE and doesnt have the long speed for a outside WR. SO hes some tall limited hybrid slot WR, its hard to get a handle on Pitts. Many others love him, I feel thats cause hes by far the best TE/slot/??? player in the draft.
  6. Seen him in a few movies/shows, always like
  7. Greg is in my circle of trust. Glad to hear he sees the same traits I do about Lance!
  8. Im not a fan, but heres the thing. Only it takes is one team and if that team is in the top three, hes a top three pick. 31 other teams could have him as a 2nd rounder, but one team could make him a first. Hes in that danger zone for me. One game he looks like a HOF, the next backup XFLer. I hate those types. Its very hard to correct those awful games and very hard to cut, cause he looked great two games ago.
  9. That was my fav pick form that draft, far as value. Today with new coaches, new system, year off and past injuries concerns.....he better be a renter than buy. Others have hit on it, but Haynes craved out a role and they are similar. Issue is there maybe room for only one. I think his biggest issue is the injuries, Rhule seems to want players that play and Miller always had minor stuff. I give him a 2% shot to remain a panther. Just to add the "high risk" stuff. Lots of reasons- wife peggars/new born, past issues with heart/lungs, over weight/type2 risk, etc along with if a old family member is living with you or close by. I remember hernaiy got asked about Miller and said it was personal matter.
  10. Chase Blackburn , Matt Pillar, Don Johnson is all the ones I got off the mind. I think the TE coach had no corrections, but unsure.
  11. Dang I thought it was reference when Rhule was the HC and forgot about his first stint.
  12. Rhule fired a coach, after saying hed never do that. Now they promote Okam, hire inexperienced Pot Roast, and experienced pass rush specialist that had a hard time finding work.. I believe Rhule will be coaching the DL. Honestly one of my fav clips form last year was Rhule doing a DL drill, too good.
  13. That tweet is wrong, he didnt play for Rhule, but did play at temple. If I remember him right, hes too old for rhule crew by close to 10 years.
  14. Well.... maybe they can hire a legit assistant DL coach to help him.
  15. No one knows, Ive already gave a few guesses. Like the contract states theres a out. Panthers *could* be shaking down Shaq for cap space....with the theat of releasing him in a leeeaaaaan market. Another could be Agents/Shaq heard he was in trade talks and called the panthers. Rhule or Fritterere confirmed it. Egos are massive in NFL and Shaqs' may have gotten hit with all the talk or lies he heard.
  16. We're already balls deep in other threads, check the ones not started by scot...
  17. Ive also heard its not too cereal til they unfollow twatter accounts....
  18. Its a lean year, the option of taking a pay cut or free agency....Well agents call around and get reference points. Then you either take the cut or cuss out the team will a new contract waiting...
  19. Could be they are testing him. Something like "Could you take a pay cut? Other wise we are looking to trade/cut you.." Egos are huge in the NFL and Rhule spoke highly of Shaq. May hurt to hear you maybe cut or need to take a pay cut. Post June 1 cut looks like the panthers could have the control. Honestly I dont know.
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