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Everything posted by Basbear

  1. 0-3 off to a blazen start there Frittererer!!! I swear can anyone tell me if you'd feel different if Herniay was still here and made the same moves? Only thing I can point to about this release, well two things- One Kerr got convid late and never got back to his pre-convid play. Another is his agent asked for this after they wouldnt extend his contract. Kerr is very cheap, played hard, great locker guy, just why????
  2. Where did you rate Tua for the 2020 draft? Try not to factor in this past season at all, you pre-draft feels/rating.
  3. Why?!?!? I going to ignore everything that goes against my beliefs!!1!!11 Also if you look at the league and current history, its easier to find a top tier QB than top tier LT. I want to see Sewells pro day, but right now hes still solid #3 overall.
  4. Draftek(fav one) just updated over at fanspeak. My haul- 8: R1 P8 QB Trey Lance - North Dakota State 39: R2 P7 OT Jalen Mayfield - Michigan 73: R3 P9 CB Ifeatu Melifonwu - Syracuse 113: R4 P8 WR Sage Surratt - Wake Forest 151: R5 P7 OT James Hudson - Cincinnati 192: R6 P9 LB Jamin Davis - Kentucky 220: R6 P37 TE Tre' McKitty - Georgia 224: R6 P41 C Drew Dalman - Stanford My fav draft far as filling needs/wants. 4th was the hardest round and Sage was just the best overall pick. Got Ifeatu in the 3rd, CB has been my weak point, he makes this a strength as his profile is great given the class. TE Tre was a nice get late, same for LB Jamin, they could get week 1 snaps and grow. C Drew was an look to future, main reason he was Stanfords iron man award winner. edit proof- https://fanspeak.com/ontheclock-nfl-mock-draft-simulator/draft.php?d=mmdqpz
  5. We agree on this for sure, plus given QB contracts are 45+ million now........those rookie deals look even juicer now. Plus you can tag 3 years after a 5th year option.....thats still chicken feed compared to what would be 50 million per at that point. Seems no other QB besides Brady is willing to less, dont blame them one bit tho..
  6. I understand. My memory is not reliable and didnt know whats what.
  7. So is he with the same team or different? Im I miss remembering you making a long post about him getting out of the scout business and moving on with life?
  8. Watson has had 2 ACL tears, one for each leg. Wilson has had known elbow and shoulder injuries. Im legit scared about trading 3 1sts, 3 2nds, 4th, 5th, and good young defenders for either... I dont even want to trade that for lance and I drive the lanceusexual spaceship..
  9. #3 WR is very close to a starter in the Brady O, wish we could kept him, just doesnt make sense if gets a 8 digit per contract.. should have bought low and signed him past years ago. WR Draft class is also, no it is the best class for the upcoming draft. Teams for sure factor that in. You need a seasoned agent for this coming storm. I bet teams will be calling 3 WRs at the same time and be like "We have one 4 year 35 million contract. Half guaranteed and the first WR that takes this get it...." I heard teams calling before and saying this offer is only good for 24 hours. With the WR market I could some holding out and losing millions by doing so.
  10. So this is another good example for trading loads of assets to bring in Watson/Wilson/other? Or not?
  11. Forget the odds- Who are you taking if Chase, Fields, and Sewell are at 8. Cannt trade back either, must make a choice. Choose wisely..
  12. Amazing how they didnt remain good, especially given the age factor......scary to me dont know about you. Jimmy G year is average these days too, insane the change. Playoffs have some "???" QBs in the playoffs too.
  13. How would you rate 2019 Jimmy G, 2018 Goff, and 2017 Foles? 2 already got traded. The other is in trades and maybe get cut too.
  14. Confusion is another side effect, please go to hospital, before its too late.
  15. There are a few mid-tier starters type on the market right now, I prefer that route. I feel they are going to let Douglas walk and roll with STO, Djax, and pride. If you add one starter, thats 4, add a rookie and thats what they normally carry. Djax is what they want in a CB, former track guy thats full on speed. His issue is staying healthy, as most know. Depends on the number and Id be for signing him up long term. Finally vet CB >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rookie CB. That maybe the hardest transition to the pros.
  16. Come on back Brees, I think you got another 2 years in your career!!!
  17. Not bad for RB. I know you bought gallons of Cams bath water, surgeon general warning stats "If you inject, you will lose football IQ" Doubt you go that route tho, youre more of funnel anal fellow. That really gets you Cam high and it shows!
  18. Watched ALL the games.....I list those weak-ass Tim Teblows stats and youre still going to defend him???
  19. If you watch every single game and still defend Cams' season, may god have mercy on your soul.
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