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Everything posted by Basbear

  1. Hes got a weird body, weird head, and long torso thing going on. Mutant ginger. But I now know with all the defending Darnold posting, Im 108% sure-ness @The Huddler wants to gay sex Darnold.
  2. Rhule made a comment about that during the senor bowl, like it was eye-opening. Once I was a big risk taker in the 4-7 round for guys that had injuries....but missing the following NFL nearly all stay behind. It takes a unique player that 100% hard working to over-come this, many are not willing or mentally capable. I still take a risk, just not as many as before.
  3. If you could tell a high rated LT will be there at 39, Pitts. Otherwise its Sewell due to stress.
  4. 35% you knows 23% uhmmmm 32% excited to be here 8% ??? 2% miscellaneous
  5. How about this for S&S forum bet. I'll give you 290 LBs DT if they are labeled as such when drafted. Give me 5 and under, Im right. 6 is a push 7 and higher you are right. I feel the end of the 3rd round or 100th pick(comp suck for this) is still a issue, but willing to go for whatever you think is fair. Winner gets the loser to repeat whatever statement/words/etc, * somewhat clean, no I'm a super saint fan etc... Deal ?
  6. Id like to see the details of the contract, right now thats a good overall. I bet its more taking form 2022 cap space, but we'll see.
  7. Chuck is up to at least 5 alts with 100 post on each, hes immortal!
  8. So Darnold was only the 25th option at QB for the panthers, hope that makes everyone super optimistic. Im not giving Rhule and crew a pass on Teddy or Sam if he flounders.
  9. LOLLOL, you could not answer a simple question! Thanks for the real laughs!!!
  10. I need more time... 50- Sewell 50- Pitts 0- surtain If pitts, its almost a must the 39th pick needs to be a LT. Sewell offers the least stress for the next pick/S. Gun to my head today its Sewell, could change within the hour.
  11. For me its not numbers, its what he shows in game(each game is different). Much like teddy, its unfair to believe Darnold comes out the gates as a 400 yard 4 TD weekly guy.
  12. I dont place Kwity Paye as a DT. Also say the DT has to be above 300 LBs, too many combo/tweaners DE/DTs types. How many true DTs do you have going before pick 100?
  13. True, this draft has some OT that *could start into the 5th. I have to tell myself the draft doesnt end in the 1st. This years' focus will be the first 3 picks(like most years), then the picture will be clearer.
  14. Want the panthers to hold firm at 8 or a 49er like trade offer happens. Be happy with Pitts, Chase, Sewell, or a personal want Kwity Paye! Since the Darnold trade, I dont buy the QB talk. Ive given up the keys to the Lance spaceship..... but would support him if the panthers go in that odd direction.
  15. Ive seen somewhere the panthers had already meet with Pitts 3 times. History and recent history shows TE rarely get picked in the top ten. This draft has 4-5 QBs, 3 WRs, and 2 OT/OLmen that are ranked right next to Pitts or above. Its possible he will be passed over. Im a TE nut, but will not say a stud TE is worth more than a stud WR.
  16. Hes 20 years old and already a bear. Slater looks in better shape currently.
  17. Before I got further, answer this simple question- Was the week 16 win against WFT worth 2021 12th overall, 2022 1st & 3rd, and 2023 1st? Yes or No.
  18. Win culture are wrong, 100%. BUT the one saving grace form that mistake is this- Im about 90% sure theyd kept the 3rd pick, even after 49ers insane offer and drafted Mac "*******" Jones. ] Plus LOLOLOLOL at the win culture morons thinking that win is worth more than 3 firsts(one being 12th this years) and a 4th.
  19. Im not Slater guy either, but one of biggest issues for rookie OL is they need full season of NFL strength program. Slater is about the only one who doesnt need that, idk about Sewell even with his good pro-day. He had the best 3 cone too, that is one of the best tools for OL success. Derrick Brown looks the part and all, but Id rather gone with Beston, Wirfs, or Wills.......LOL at Daves pick being the current worst one form the group. Glad hes gone too.
  20. Got to put James Hudson somewhere on this list, he maybe in the top 5.....
  21. Safety is my and many other teams least valued spot out of the normal 22. They always drop. I think at the 39th pick the smart pick will be either DL or OL(even if they drafted OL in the 1st). But panthers are not known for smart moves. Plus the best spot for depth on the panthers seems to be safety.
  22. Thats me after the Darnold trade. Each still have some level of hope they reach the Panthers. Pitts- its ultra rare for TE to be draft in the top 7. Especially with stud WRs and QB on the same level Chase- 4 or 5 QB land in the top seven. miami listens to their Bama QB and takes Waddle. Chase falls to panthers Sewell- QBs, WRs......O MY!!! Sewell acts his age and needs coaching....shocking huh? Penalize him for convid-out, fine by me if hes there for panthers. Simple math only 7 players can be drafted before pick 8. If 49ers take Jones that greatly helps one of the non-QBs to fall to the Panthers. All they have to do is wait and not take the cheese like 49ers did.
  23. The defend Watson crew have gone away like Watsons tiny itchy towel when his Instagram masseuse enters the room. Watson needs smarter friends, how on earth do you not pay off these women and get help.
  24. God dam Bama for making these "2nd" pro days a thing...
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