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Everything posted by Basbear

  1. They do that to players, not to agents. Most agents have been around for 10-20 years, tell them a few lies and you go on their poo list. Agents have more than a few people helping them or employed. Agents have more freedom than team employees too. It happens, trust me. Honestly the best relationship you want in the league is be on great terms with drew rosenhaus. If a team tells him a bunch of lies, he could blacklist his clients form signing with them. Agents many times are the "unnamed source" btw..
  2. Someone told a non-panther front office person- " Mickey and Payton LOVE Marshall and are targeting him with their 2nd round pick". That person believes it and calls a panther personal and tells them the news. Can happened with agents, "Saints guaranteed me Marshall will be the 60th pick ". Ten years of build up trust and relationship can be invaluable. Now it works both ways, that panthers person must give information that their team could value. Saints person *could be a source, I mean 5k-10k could buy a few rumors with some proof. Tho its faaar more likely the story above with a agent/former employee.
  3. Mid-5th, I 100% agree with the risk. Why not go for it all starting in the 5th-7th, what you miss out a 4 year *maybe core special teamer??? fug that thinking, go for a starter that may have a couple red flags. Yea soo what he acts young, so what he likes the weed, so what hes a free lancer, figure it out!! Reach the young lad and make sure he aware thats your main goal is helping him to become a professional NFLer. If its doesnt work, you only lost 5th-7th round value. No big deal.
  4. Darin Gantt has been killin it with piece after piece, soooo glad hes back. Look, Im value type guy, to a fault. Just to add Gettleman made trades up, mainly cause 10 rookies where NOT making those 2014-2017 rosters. Those teams had no space, it was a hotel with no vacancy. It was smart for him to focus a couple players that the staff/coaches truly loved. This current 2020 team need about 25 players......I will tell you what Finesser got about 21 between the draft, FA, and one UDFA. Finesser did what Herinay and Hogfather had no knowledge of, embrace the rebuild. Tho GMan traded back with Bears and another one later, so old dawgs can learn new tricks. BTW heard the whole war room was PISSED about losing Silm Reaper and Dave shocking admitted Jamin Davis was there pick if he didnt go to WFT one before 20 Toney. Wish Scott was here day one with Rhule, I bet the vision of the team would have been two years ahead and be challenging for a 2021 wild-card. Glad Tepper learned.
  5. Not bad, right now my go-to is the ginger cringer. I got to see him play in a panther colors before I know which nick-name to roll with.
  6. Not to mention Tepper too. It seems they are looking for forward thinking high IQ person thats not scare to dis-agree with them. Morgan does feel like Finesser is hiring one of frat boys as a favor. Honestly I forgot the guys name and this is 'old" thinking, Ryan Cowden(had to cheat) is another one I thought always had a good resume. For me in the last few drafts Chargers, Vikings, Ravens, and.......ugh the Saints... all have drafted very well, pick out who has helped the most and give him a tepper bag. Bring in a outsiders rather than Philly(why keep going there??) and NE pool.
  7. Poor David Carr, he was ruined by the sacking.... Trent Dilfer about the only one I can think of that was able to over come the rough beginnings. To a point Carson Palmer too. I will say his interviews give a little hope, but its truly doesnt matter til the pads are on and 280LB man-beasts are trying to legally kill you. Need a special group of coaches to over come seeing ghosts.....I know know whom to call....
  8. I know most dont care about this or practice squad stuff, but I do. Thanks for the updates Scott and Juan. Like @BurnNChinn posted, it starting to feel like GM search.....and Morgan is no longer the top choice. Im all for casting a wide net and it doesnt hurt getting someone form a different team than who you normally steal form. Matt berry hasnt been mentioned, hes my pick.
  9. Is it too late to void the trade???........
  10. No one wants to be drafted by the lions, BUT theres a new GM/HC. Just about all new coaches and some are legit good for their roles like Duce Stanely, Wash, and lynn. The area I heard has gotten multi-millions, but its still a looooong way form not looking like third world/apocalyptic. Sewell insnt a QB, so he can not pull a elway/manning either, well he could try.... They need to fire those New England dopes, I heard a few players say it was just like NE, except you didnt win.
  11. Getting loads of I thought I read that he and the other guy were given the label, GM John would say theres no school or book for how to be a GM. Its seems the word for word did not pop up, but operated would not hold up in courts..
  12. Rhule was on the clubhouse witl Klye, id link it if wfnz website didnt reload every 4 mins.
  13. That is retired now, we alll about thee Finesser finessen fools now!!
  14. Did you not like how the draft ended? The whole picture, I too didnt like the double trade down, but looking at the finished class.... hard for me to pick apart the group except for a late&mid round pick. I wanted Sewell bad..REAL BAD, but lion are dicks and you have to draft who is available.
  15. Must have gotten intel saying Marshall wouldnt make it, but Christensen would. Scott, Pat, Rhule all have sources on other teams.
  16. Scott I believe seahawks did promote 2 to asst GMs a couple years ago(maybe 2017?). It may have been label only and such, but Im about 98% sure they did have 2 asst. I can not spell the the others name, f_______ . Pete did/still has all the powers, that part is right. Im sure its on goggle about when the promotion took place, and I believe they did 2 at the same time.......
  17. It took him time.....if you want to feel pain...lookup who was drafted one pick before......
  18. Anyone seen Luke in the weight room or a recent pic were he added 30 clean LBs?
  19. Be 100% honest. If you suddenly got 20 million in tax free cash, would you be alive in 10 days??
  20. Joe, stop bugging him for one of your lame athletic pieces, let the man fish in peace!
  21. You mere mortals click this and watch it in all its glory! Please report back if you still question the Brown pick.....I need to pop my ignore cherry... Thanks ellis!
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