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Everything posted by Basbear

  1. Personally no if its north of tag. It a hard choice, Moton is what you want in a NFL player. I just do not view him as a top 3 RT/T/OL. Hes just below the great ones and it would not wise to over pay at one of the lesser valued potions......just like the panthers have already done at RB and LB. Its a tough choice, I just dont view him or the position he plays as top self. Darrel williams is a name us panthers fans know, he just signed that contract this year- Thats more like were I want to be at RT. He played great last too, shame panthers forced him to play LT when Moton should have been there. Panthers could have solved their OTs if they did that. OL needs rebuilding with or without Moton too. Brown, Moore, and Christ are a start, in fact christ maybe the new RT was the coming reports. I say if you sign DJ moore and Moton still wants 18+, tag him again. Then look at the trade market for his league value or play out another year on the tag and let him walk. Let me ask you who would you rather spend cap space on DJ Moore or Moton? For me Moton is down the line after many like Burns(coming soon) and if Darnold is the choosen one, he needs about 40 million in cap space very soon too. Id go as far as picking Robby Anderson over Moton in the short term cap space game. Djack is another, simply not enough for everyone.....like I said hard choices.
  2. If you look back at most panthers 1st round picks, they are the youngest in the draft. Feels like Shaq has been in the NFL for 12 years, but really its 6 and he just turned 26 years old. Burns, Brown, CMC, and Moore who was 2 years younger than ATLs Riley. One of my coaches did over a years worth of research into strength. He found a mans strongest years are 26-32. He said most are too hardheaded in their 20s to listen and by the they get "it" their prime years are in the past. Many can still be strong after 32, cause they also got much wiser too. Most young NFLers dont care about sleep, nutrition, nervous system, correct supplementation, good recovery, good habits, etc etc. Rhule does seem to focus on most of these, but trying to get young men to listen/buy in is the issue.
  3. I heard reports Moton wants top LT money a while back. Unless hes changed his tune, hard pass form me. I dont even know if I'd agreed to 15 per and half guaranteed, you can not pay every single spot TOP money. Somebody has make the hard choices. RT is not in the top half of "pay that man his money" positions. If moton was a yearly top 1-3 RT, I would change my tune, but hes not. Plus given the big brains at panthers office have already paid LB Shaq and RB CMC too much, it would add the problem of wasting money at lesser-valued spots to pay Moton 18-20 per for 8th best RT play.
  4. LOL, suuuure. I got moton at the 8-11 best RT in the game, hogwash hes the best 11th best overall. Did moton's agent slip this guy a 100$? Following up with what I posted in the other threads Ramczyk >> Moton Simply you can not pay every single spot TOP money, somebody has make the hard choices. RT is not in the top half of "pay that man his money" positions. If moton was a yearly top 1-3 RT, I would change my tune, but hes not. Plus given the big brains at panthers office have already paid LB Shaq and RB CMC too much, it would add to the problem of wasting money at lesser-valued spots to pay Moton 18-20 per for 8th best RT play.
  5. Ramczyk >> Moton Simply you can not pay every single spot TOP money, somebody has make the hard choices. RT is not in the top half of "pay that man his money" positions. If moton was a yearly top 1-3 RT, I would change my tune, but hes not. Plus given the big brains at panthers office have already paid LB Shaq and RB CMC too much, it would add the problem of wasting money at lesser-valued spots to pay Moton 18-20 per for 8th best RT play.
  6. Thats true. Im talking about the off-season when the roster gos up to 90, 1st time missing gross, some no-name invite got his number. Gross talked about on one of his pods, "Well I know what the team thinks of me now..." was one of his comments. Some teams wait years before the number is issued again. I share what many in this thread feel about too many numbers retired. I said sam mills number shouldnt be retired years ago and poop-nuked. Honestly the only numbers that should be retired in the their sports are- 99 in hockey, 42 baseball and thats about it. NBA Bill russell, MJ, KAJ, wilt all have claim to this as well, just hard to pick one over the others. NFL ughhhh once Tom brady finally leaves his number should be retired as well, jim brown didnt stay long enough. Well I like to add to my first 99 and 42 comment, Jerry Rice's 80 should be retired as well. He deserves that honor as well. Id put LT on here too, if not for off-field BS. If Aaaron Darold keeps up his insane pace for another 5-7 years, retire that bad mans number too. Frankly I think NOT retiring numbers gives them more power.
  7. If he doesnt get a freak injury, I feel bad for all OGs/Cs that have to stop him. Honestly all it takes is Brown to take a huge step forward and Offenses have to start giving him the aaron darnold treatment. He could do it.
  8. Yea the numbers game, its a hot button topic mainly. I think you need to be have like 93% of a early HOF career in one team to retire a number. I know after gross leftd, they gave out his number that off-season. Its weird at times too, if a few people had their way some teams would struggle having enough numbers for a full team. Maybe its time to add letters, it would be a money maker for greedy mofos I bet.
  9. I blasted the QB group some, I mean who are the backup QBs ranked 26-32?? I mean its proven the Sam darnold has to carry the group, the same Sam Darnold thats finished 32,33, and 30th at seasons end. PJ feels like he should be on the PS at best. IMO if you have a playoff team, backup QB is in the top five needs. Panthers are maybe one year away and regardless need to upgrade the talent in the QB room. Like many of the groups, Im in wait and see mode. But if Darnold busted hardcore this season, get rid of all the QBs and Rhule is on his final QB lotto card as being the panthers HC imo.
  10. I know Kungfu is bringing the makers mark. If no one brings other boozes, I got a few bottles of costco's finest wine i could share. Start on the makers, end on the cheap stuff when taste doesnt matter.. Also need someone on desserts even though theres NO CHANCE at all Id save room given all the meats and veg in this wonderful thread. Times I miss having a garden and other I dont, I was about to declare war on the deer and walmart always had cheap veg in stock each day.
  11. @saX man please brother, bring some top self "stuff"...... For those who are willing to partake. Also need someone to bring the white claws....
  12. YGM is my guy........only thing I heard about him just he acts young even compared to young people. If he was in this past draft, Im about 98% sure he would have been a 1st given the lack of talent form DE/edge pool. If the light switch gets flipped on this year..... panthers will give any teams issues this year on both sides of the ball. He should be able to play inside some too.
  13. LOL, I use to despise mayo. Like the thought made me dry heave.......older and older I got...more and more women would always twist my arm about trying it. Like break my balls and give me poo about it while comparing to something totally different. Dam witches got to me...... Im at the point were I like a nano thin spread on my BLTs now and I can eat potato salad as well, without playing mind games with myself.... But in keeping with the thread intentions, MAYO is allowed at the E-Q!! I'll bring it with my cooler, I'll even bring the southern snob elitist stuff....-
  14. MUCH thanks to thee grill host @Captain Morgan ! Please follow his message and words- I encourage the sharing of pics, recipes, and stories. Frankly I had enough of the constant divide happening among us panther fans. So I offer some huddlers to end to their silly point-less fighting. If you have a beef with a fellow panther fan, please please please use this thread as a opportunity to bring it to a end. Already some tasty looking pictures, my stomach growled at me viewing this thread! So for the e-Q, I'll bring one of my backup grills for the vegans to use.
  15. Was 54 the all-time highest as well? dang theres no sort of web-site thats has dead cap history... Not long ago 30 million was the highest most years, what a poor ran team.......living jokes. I believe my statement is right until someone can prove its false. I honestly dont blame Luke on Herniay, while his contract was re-done a couple times(pushing money in the future years) luke didnt seem like the type to early retire. Still other moves are unforgivable.
  16. I can not prove this, but willing to bet no other team has a higher two year dead cap total than the panthers have form 2020-2021. I bet not team comes within 20 million, @Toomers or @stbugs any chance Im right? Sad part is they can add to the dead cap this year and if not for trading Carson Wertz, Panthers would be leading AGAIN!! Bloody hell herniay........curse you!!!
  17. Thanks for the update, i keeping to get back into the hornets and not with current news. I loved both cravey and richards as 2nd round guys, odd to see the team already ready to add another rookie C...and view them as a need.
  18. Has the team already gave up on carvey and richards?
  19. NO YOU WILL TAKE THE SHOT AND LIKE IT. Any issues like clots, protein spike, inflammation, brain fog, soreness, stokes, deaths etc just means its working! NOW TAKE IT!
  20. Currently, (but can change) my take on OL is as follows- In short, not worried about right side. That is including paradis, its a huge pool to find the best fit at RG. Miller played average-to-above, nothing wrong with him at RG.....tho looking at the numbers game Miller is the one I see being cut in order to keep Moore or Tecklenburg. Concerns are backup C, LT(most everyone), and not per say LG.....Just like RG has a pool of around 6, LG should be filled with a decent option. LT with giving Erv, Daley, Little, and Scott a legit shot. Yea all feel like depth, just have no other real option at this stage . Just need some luck there and who knows. Panthers have 11 deep. On top of there are some sleepers in Kaskey, Horton, and Tecklenburg. Depth-wise they have came a long way in a just one year. Many of the guys can play across the line as well. Coaching matters and thats whos got to figure this group out.......Id prefer to coach the RB group over OL...by farr.
  21. Didnt think one other sane person would even get to the "understanding" part. Its full blown hot take, but I mainly like the crew drafted 4-7 better than the first 4 total players(marshall may ruin my statement and 100% fine). Just rookie CB struggle, Christ looking like a backup, and Tremble is small-ish backup with limited rec tape. Marshall if hes over the injury could challenge most of the panther WR records. 3 years form now those later picks could have more starters just by the numbers and off-season player cycle. Moore is my main guy form the UDFA group. Honestly my hope is this best draft class in panther history, just trying not to take the bait......guess I did some with this thread tho...
  22. Just seen were he needs a 3rd surgery according to recent z-ray form pitt doctor. He said "see how it gos before making up his mind". I dont think we are the right team for him, in this timeline.
  23. Same as PFF right? This 2021 panther position groups are about impossible to rank right now. Need live real snaps against other teams.
  24. I echo the mastera and easye, Kerr has to be in the top 5 strangest moves. He played well, very cheap, well liked by teammates, hard worker, high effort, just a good pro. He didnt have to start either, just like he made a pass at Treppers woman. Efa was weird too, just place the low tender on him, its that simple. I heard EFa didnt like that idea, so?? Gave him up for nothing after spending all that time in development of a super raw player, bad move.
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