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Everything posted by Basbear

  1. We dis-agree about that, false positives are a big issue. I mean lets say there is a 99.999999% accurate home test. They you have hope humans do the correct steps to avoid contamination issues.
  2. I said in one of the quotes both the negative and positives were falsify. That showed in the days the for the degree in change. If I have convid and tested negative, thats toxic for the data. Need better test plain and simple.
  3. So you admitted WHO and the our testing was "trash", glad you figured that out on your own! Theres hope after all! I do hope a more accurate test comes out and the figures are honestly reported, but thats a total dream about the honest part. Lab results are another issues too, many labs would come back with different results on the same sample.
  4. That was the strangest injury Ive seen in some time, hope he is doing better.
  5. Did you read the results part? Ive seen others saying the same thing and came to the conclusion that the testing varies farr to much to be trusted. Miss-information with the number of positives testing AND negatives. Guess Lauren Kucirka MD is another big-foot believer too!
  6. 100% agree. BUT thee ginger cringer would be one of the better backups in the league!
  7. Yea not bad, I like the booby traps and it was one of the better special effect/makeup for the time. Mother on the cart was terrifying.
  8. Common flu in the past was normally around 80k per year and so far is at zero. I wonder what happened... This for the people questioning my questioning the test -https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/full/10.7326/M20-1495 Ive seen many reports stating theres no good of testing. The accuracy is not up to standards. People testing positive, then test the second sample and come back negative, etc.
  9. I agree on all, its real and its has killed. Its simple too, offer 37,000 and 14,000 for writing convid on paper or not get 50k+. All other money making was nearly stopped, people stop going the ER, and nurses/doctors were fired. Even if they 6 life threatening conditions, they dont have the benefit of getting thousands in lean period. Medical fraud is maybe the largest issue in the states. I do get writing the last illnesses as the reason is common, just hate the how the results were counted.
  10. There have been many cases were hospitals worker came out and said they where to told to convid as the reason for ______ . Even its the test came back as a false-positive. Why if not for money?
  11. Are you 100% sure they had it? The testing is poor at best as it can be about positive/negative, so many mistakes and false positives. Then no matter what, they write convid as the reason. Love of money ruin the reporting on this.
  12. .00004% would make me feel better than whats being falsely pushed.
  13. They should pull though, I hope they do. I was showing the %s for facts, not to be funny.
  14. Im not the biggest believer in Sam, but compared to Walker??? Im wasting my time typing in here....
  15. odds are in their favor, but your family should have been wearing masks in-doors!!!!1!!1!!
  16. Played great, but for pre-season play I try not to over-react. I think Carter, Krob, and few other are having a hard time connecting with RHule and crew. Ive also about 14 times, safety spot is good with or without Chinn. People want a FS, when theres a capable one on the roster. Chandler played well too, Franklin etc......no surprise TO ME!!!
  17. I agree. Rhule- " Im not putting Darnold out there without starting OL " Bas- " Ok heres the solution- play the starting OL!! " Rhule-
  18. Yep I remember you voicing those same opinions, it was a weak HC class to pick form. No question it was a epic failure at Denver, even drafting Teblows wasnt in the top five worst decisions. 2nd chance and all that....
  19. I dont lie, I wanted Josh McDaniels...i know his history and hes a douche etc etc. I just thought he was the best HC available. I was indifferent on Rhule. I did not agree with hiring coaches form powerhouses Baylor/Temple.... 7 teams replaced coaches and many had GREAT coaching staffs, hell dallas's whole staff was top self. Philly had a legit staff as well, I wanted duce staley BAD. Many NFL proven coaches that have been in wars. Rhule hired his bros along with adding all sort of new positions thanks to teppers billions. Luke retired, many FAs leftd, cuts, etc. Rhule got this team fighting in the heavyweight class while at 165Lbs and most of the time it went to the judges score cards. HUGE PROPS. Super glad Rhule is the current coach. I'm enjoying the new direction/energy/leadership and Rhule forced me to feel that. I do not believe a re-tread coach would get that same result. Come 2022 I feel the playoffs will played at the bank thanks to Rhule's hard-HARD work.
  20. All Arnold has to do is be a threat. Its honestly that simple. Thomas has a 0.000004 level threat with Defensives. With CMC, Moore, Anderson, and maybe Marshall/Hubbard/Smith. If you lock up the outside the numbers, middle should be open... Arnold just needs the D to respect him and that will do wonders for the panthers. Think about it- Arnold is WR/TE, so he should eat up most LBs...that means LB off the field and DB on the field.......Time to run CMC/Hubbard til the LB comes back....then back to passing......Unless the D has a Chinn they will BLEED!!!!!!
  21. For me it was the most difficult start for a HC in NFL history. Plus give the team was in all but about 10 quarters of play, one great coaching job throughout ALL the adversity.
  22. This is me but a minor * I feel LB are the worse group, but OL feels like a house of cards next to a volcano.. Morton and paradis are the only knows that I feel will play at least average. The others are huge questions not only in play but HEALTH-wise. Most everyone has history of missing games. Backup C is another, does Elf fill or will they bring in the Rhule's Bersin?? If Elf lands a starting OG, who is the 2nd on depth chart for RG or LG?? ugh I need a drink.....
  23. Me even with knowing no starters will be playing-
  24. DID I heard this right- Rhule also said Darnold playing in the 2nd game is up in the air??? I hope we hire a full ref team and pull in ear pieces and send players groups in for adjustments and thousand other things this team needs for game day that practice can not replicate... Someone please notify Rhule that hes coaching in the NFL and week 1 is less than 30 days away.....
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