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Everything posted by Basbear

  1. Everyone except the woman to the left, looks like they just received news that a loved one died. It is rather bad and this maybe the classic "change of scenery" thing. I heard a couple rumors about family and friends non-stop asking for money, one even said there was gang pressure, but again *rumors. Sometime the best path is leaving home, get away form all those fleas, ticks, parasites........ My best advice- Trade in your phone CJ and get a new number as soon as you are able. Then do not give the number to a another soul. If you need to make a call(what is that??) buy a couple buriers and use a notepad... Plus find a living with others(teammates) and tell no one about it as well. My issue is his healthy state of mind and physical state, this got fugly down there. He may not be in football shape and/or need a helper in the transitions to new environment. Hope the panthers get him all the help he needs and he is ready to work!
  2. 2 things- 1. South gets ice, no one can drive on ice. Snow is nothing to drive on until it turns into ice. Hate how the myth is currently. And NC is 65/35 yankee now too, but the myth is still going strong...hmmm I wonder... 2. 99% panic fueled BS, much like something else....Still no idea why they think french toast is the only thing that can be ate during the 2 and half days during the SNOWPOCALYPSE!!!!1!1!! I willing to bet good cash that the dairy/farmer unions pay for the panic BS. rant off carry on..
  3. His draft video shows some of his first feelings, mom/other/etc is laughing at his misery too....
  4. Many moons ago as our family was passing though Jacksonville to Disney land. Pops stopped to get gas and the local sheriff was there. Chatted him up, told my father not to stop if they saw a person in need - "KEEP DRIVING, no matter what". Seems the locals were setting up traps for people passing though, people laying in the street and broke down cars with upset women. Someone/family stops, group jumps out and gets 5 guns in their face then robbed...
  5. fug white Jay-Z and his boring baseball plugged haired sidekick. If Tepper replaces Mick with Gus, the value of the panthers will increase 3x.
  6. Short ver- He did not want to play in Jax, at ALL. Near by family is hitting him hard for $$$(rumors). Urdoofus did not help the any issues CJ had, only made them worse.
  7. I dont see anything besides the bottom sentence, is my extension blocking adware/???
  8. Do you have anything to add about CJ?? Stories, scouts, draft, etc etc. I say let him have #1 if he wants it. I think Cam wore that at the gators as well, but he has become a afterthought now....
  9. Finessererereerrrerer is really in on every deal...that was not a lie. More than enough in the risk reward value, 9th overall CB one year later for a Dan Arnold&3rd?? plus you get a 5th in return? AND it gut punches the Iants again for the 10th time, fug you resting smug face bounty using pill poping turd! FYI Dan Arnold is NOT a TE. If hes a TE so is Brandon Zylstra, whom is a better blocker btw. Dan is an 3th string slot WR. Im a sucker for adding talent, CJ henderson is a big time talent for 1/20 of the cost/value. Hope he is ready to work.....
  10. If GVR was on this team, he would be the best OG and top backup at C...
  11. Scot you know that prime 2015 team stomps this current 2021 2-0 group? TD just is going FULL media hot take...
  12. Better terms for panthers and Im game......besides Erv will be on IR before we know....who is the backup LT, musical chairs Moton with Christ to RT....maybe worst than this group.... I feel panther need to address the LT in the off-season, young team get a young LT to pair is the dream....
  13. Our people keep falling down the black-hole of degenerate behavior.. got a link tho?!?!
  14. Reddick been a roller coaster for me. Super hyped about signing. Watched his 2020 highlights, about 10 of his 12.5 sacks came form no-named backups, RBs, TEs, QB running into, and coverage. Turtled my hype....now after two games my head is showing itself again......
  15. Jesus........ Cam played out of mind, thanks TD you just made more insane fans......AND the bandwagon will be in full effect after this win.
  16. He always been a athletic freak that could not stop free-lancing, now hes also aged some. D is playing at the level where LBs dont matter and I want to add LBs (now&future). I just dont think he is a good "fit" for this young group that stick to Snows plan. Collins never followed his assignments, but he had reddick-like freak numbers to cover up mistakes. Even goat Bill could not get him to follow orders. Only if injuries hit, other-wise pass......unless lions want to pay most of salary and add a draft pick to take him....
  17. Phil does college/different blitzs and it confuses OL&QBs. Coaches and players- "Its just a college look." "we are not use to it" "communication break-down".... ME-
  18. IN, just not the 1st ballot. His numbers will look "average" in ten years in this current passing league setting...
  19. Snow show? Need a gif of Phil Snow shaking a snow globe and next scene shows entire D in a blizzard getting into formation.... MAKE IT HAPPEN TEPPER!!!!
  20. Does being super skeptical of Baylor/Temple hires, Assassin Sam aka ginger cringer, and Erv/Elf count?? If so I have sinnnnnnnned .....
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