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Everything posted by Basbear

  1. They do and have many cover ups etc. 90%+ conviction rate and busting down doors....they knocked on poor Richards door. tore/ruined his whole life/family. People out for blood about getting a result, all should have been fired and put in real jail(doubt....). FBI is total joke currently, needs a compete overhaul. I 100% prefer the local sheriff breaking my door down than the feds....But looking at their files and my statement stands..
  2. Yea its changed, all forums/everything does.....sadly for the worse most times. Ive been here off/on since 2007. Litterbox spilling in the mainboard and Thered made me close to finding a new place for good. I remember you as well and your huge heel move with that Brady jersey....... A sin no doubt, you got poo on and 100% should have...I can/have forgive that given I know your level of panther fandom. Haters hate and huddle is just like most SM, its a survival test... Thanks for the update!
  3. Dang huddle had more jealousy and hatefulness than I thought. If he wanted to brag, 10 more levels were needed.
  4. Scott you are up....... I hope he plays better than he showed this year, shoulder injury and all. looked awful in PS after looking average in 2020.
  5. around 30 per year, but first year maybe around 10. In this past off-season, I said the tag was there for Djack. It gave many here a heart-attack followed by derp derp he is not top 5 derp derp. Funny how silence is now. You could tag and trade Djack as well. I do not know if they will be able to keep both Gilmore and Djack regardless of what Finessererereerr states. Need to wait and see how well Horn heals, CJ henderson plays, Gilmore plays, hartsfield too. Its a pure waiting game for the CB/DB/NB group.
  6. Keep bringing this message. Defense was truly de-void of talent. The only NFL players on that 2020 group were Shaq, Djack, and Haynes(could add reid, but...) 3 fuging players. thats IT! SO they drafted 7 D players. That got the number to 6 with BRown, YGM, and Chinn. Next draft added Horn(sucks about injury), Nixon(looking great as a rookie backup), and Taylor(better than rookies CB form 2020). Signs Fox, Jones, and Bouye as mid-aged vets. Trades for Johnson, steals CJ henderson, steals Glmore. Hartsfield is depth piece same as franklin. They got the number about 22 now. I do not know if you could re build a entire 25 man group faster?? During this they've been in dead cap hell(both years 40+ million red), convid BS, etc. That has to be one of the faster rebuilds in NFL history. OL could be talked about til 2023 off-season. There is light til then- Moton is a rock, Brown is on the program, Christ can fill another spot, 2022 draft *should be OL focused, ELF&ERV are decent backups, Mike Morton, Michael Jordan, Teckenburg, and Monterio get year another yr to develop. 2 form the PS group *should be depth next year. SO.....do the math.......thats 7 OL for 2022 without the draft&FA. Yes its heavy depth, still its not the worst. Use the 1st on C or LT, add another 2 in the draft, and sign a couple FAs. Now they have 14 to fight for 10, that gives injury insurance as well. Everyone on this 2022 can be better than 2021 too. So there is some hope, just need to find a legit C and hopefully LT as well. 2022 OL = LT 1st round draft pick LG- Christ C- Elf RG- Brown RT- Moton decent depth too.
  7. I think for sure figures were traded.......and the panthers are looking around.....as they should. I member richard marshall stating he wanted to be the highest paid CB........Djack may have the same feels......... I called the tag for DJ and was laughed at, that remains a option in my book.
  8. Not that I do this sort of thing, but I would not buy his jersey.....
  9. I think you are over thinking this. Break it down simple- 31 yr old former DPOY Gilmore for a 2023 6th. Yes OL,OL, OLOLOLLOLLLOLLOOOLOOLLOOLOLLOL, OL. 31 other teams are looking for OL help, its a league wide issue. Would you feel meh if Finesser traded a future 6th for Von Miller?? They dont need a DE, but is Stephon Gilmore errrr Von fuging Miller. Would you poo poo on that as well? Think of this in simple terms without OL clouds. Besides if Gilmore balls out, they get a 2023 comp 3rd for him.....
  10. Liam Eichenberg was my pick for 2nd rounder, phins picked him and currently have him as a LG. I thought he was the last chance at a decent LT, sewell was the really the only one and hes playing like a rookie. I swear finding a great rookie LT is way harder than finding a great rookie QB....
  11. Smith in a fuging wheelchair is better than ANY MLB on this roster not named Shaq Thompson. He was a pro-bowler, but that is not needed for the panthers, just be better than panthers options.....WHICH HE IS BY MILES.....Shaq missed practice today btw..... So long as he is not asking for 10 million, panthers 150% need to have a great talk with him. Blowboys are paying him this season, he should come cheap. But who wants a 26year old 100 tack machine?? He had a knee injury in 2016 and we already have CLay Johnston and some ghost named Carter. HARD PASS
  12. I have not read all pages, but Finessererrererrer be like= I dont know if its been stated but this move to me feels like to 100% block him form going to TB(bill didnt want him there either) since they are currently down 3 starting CBs. Another funny point is if Gil plays well and is not resigned, panthers could get a comp pick better than the 6th given to Pats. Holy Lee fug this GM may have bigger balls than David MFing Tepper. I do not care if CJ or Gil are successful or not, no bad side to his trading....the guy got a 7th for little without conditions!! If he lands Jaylon Smith, put him in the panthers HOF right NOW!!!
  13. Sup catman, hope all is well. I thought they were a 7 win team before the start, but I seen a decent chance at going 8-1 or even 10-2. I think believe they could easily pass my 7 wins number.
  14. Got busted up on his "not over the injury", guess 100+ tacks over three years and 105% of last years snaps proves that!!!! He has a way with triggering vomit, a professional seether..
  15. Its best to accuse others of what you are guilty of before they do. Then post a twatter cherry. I guess he is washed, forget the stats above. Numbers be lying!
  16. Wow its so old that its in SD, I heard all the news back then and its 2021 now.....I feel its proven he is over that injury. I mean what are doing here??? Panthers need LB, badly. Smith is a MLB. Shaq is hurting currently. Huddlers but but ________ ________ ______ ????? Jesus......... _________________________________________________________________ Hold on this player just got released- he gos by Jackisun Stilth and plays LB. WHat do you think?? Had a terrible injury scare in 2016, looks peeetttttty good afterwards, no?? Hate away peeps.... Statistics SEASON TEAM GA GP GS SNAPS SNAPS% SACKS TACKLES SOLO TACKLES AST TACKLES FF INT 2021 DAL 4 4 2 148 57.1 18 13 5 2020 DAL 16 16 15 1081 105.9 1.5 155 89 66 1 1 2019 DAL 16 16 16 1015 92.3 2.5 141 83 58 2 1 2018 DAL 16 16 16 976 93.0 4 121 82 39 3 2017 DAL 16 16 6 578 55.9 1 81 50 31 1 2016 DAL 4
  17. 6yr 70+million is 1st team all-world type of contract. Neal a career safety coming off career ending injuries is preferred over him, same for a 4th rounder. Something happened during the off-season and the blowboys were like " we are going in another direction ". It seems like Jerriah loved him and forked over that insane contract, classic Jerriah... check it out, 2nd in the whole league for inside LB....only the Jets with having to waaaaaay overpay free agents beat him out. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/contracts/sort-value/inside-linebacker/limit-100/
  18. Looked petty good the last two years, no idea on his current health. Reading up some its more a issues with freelancing, missed assignments, than injuries. Dallas has plenty of LB depth and drafted a falling star LB in the 4th. He cost too much is the real reason and had a injury clause for next year if he got hurt. They got scared and cut bait in-season after every single team laughed at his current contract. Panthers are fools not to call him/his agent up, especially if Shaqs going to miss time form being week-to-week.... Still the next best inside LB is MIA Carter, I can not even tell if he is still a panther.
  19. Hive mind is real. Logic and loads of evidence have no effect on the hive. I must have posted in it too, its hard staying on the front page right now.
  20. Everyone claiming roids and bringing up 2003. That was a SC doctor who gave roids to the OL/team. One player visited him, told him what was wrong, the SC doc gave him roids. Snowball effect happened, just like any other locker-room. If a player is in great shape& passing test while taking supplement YXgator blood, before long everyone else is....
  21. LG have you seen his contract? 0.0% panthers claim him. They signed Neal and drafted Cox(who I wanted the panthers to draft)...something happened during the off-season that soured the relationship. He only got 25% of the snaps in game one and same for the panthers(close to 80% for others). I heard he was one of Jerriahs favs, but everyone else wanted to move on. When Neal a career safety thats came off a couple huge injuries is signed as a LB and they prefer him, something is fugy... Panthers need LBs and he plays LB....Shaq is rumored to miss game/s and panthers have the most cap space........Lets see what type of stones Finessererererer is bringing this time.......I bet Smith signs with NYG, Wash, or Philly.....they all need LBs too and he may be out for the blowboys... If hes healthy, why not??
  22. Watch-out my friend, while true, this type of opinion will get the snake poop mountain.... I said Chinn needed to step-up after CMC went down, many here hated that thought. He has not found his place back there and Snow needs to do better for him as well. D has/was ballin....without Chinn. His impact has not been there thus far in the first 4 weeks. He needs to get back to play-maker status, no TOs or these 3 tackle averages?? Get back on the DPOTW horse!!
  23. His blocking is great and that part of a RB is vastly under-rated. He put out some great tape form that dallas with biltz pickup, ST play, hands, and ran well too. He for sure is on other teams radar now, I wouldnt be shocked for a team to sign him shortly. I like freeman, but if they are not going to use him, do him a favor and keep Smith.
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