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Everything posted by Basbear

  1. Clear upgrade across the group, about the only one that ???? is the WR hire, hes just got very limited exp. Seems sharp, I listen to some of his interviews, just wanted a more exp.. Wilks is the best improved coaching hire, hes got a young super talented group...they are in good hands. Tabor is another big improvement. The biggest leap is the exp of this group compared to former, what a huge difference. Im going to state that the DL coach will step down before the end of TC, watch. Hope this group bring home the NFC south crown to the queen.
  2. I would have said this means a chance that Cam Rob is available in FA, but he choose to pull a Nate Newton. What a stupid move...
  3. So much for the loyalties form hiring all those Baylor/Temple bros for their first NFL check. Rewarded by 2 of them going to the same jobs else where........Learn anything Rhule????????
  4. This is a clear all-nighter boozefest, mouthwash, sleep soon as the game ends, alarm for 12:55(4:10 for the older peeps), profit.
  5. 4 out of 5 I approve greatly, given the state of the team/Rhule. This made up for DL coach hire, Wilks is one of the better DB coaches in the world.
  6. I was here for most of the draft last year, in the draft thread it was nearly 100% of the posters were screaming for Smith in the mid-rounds. I started in the 4th, lost my mind when the Long Safety was drafted. Even at that point, if he doesnt play, it was worth the risk. Think If Smith, Moton and Elf were on this team.......been a great boost.
  7. Nate newton eat your heart out, dumbest people on earth do this while they are close to a 80 million deal. One less LT option, enjoy hiring all the lawyers and while hoping to make a come back at 32....
  8. Yea I agree, bring this guy in an consultant role, not coaching 24 year olds. Rayzor had a good one about this making Snow look young. You know Rhule has ALL the coaches do sprints and similar stuff that the players do for bonding fluff.........I hope they have the ambulance running when this happens now, especially at the burg..... fuging rhule......slightly got my hopes up..
  9. I just was bragging and getting high on hopium for Rhules coaching hires, now he hires a close to 73 year old man for the 25 and younger group.......curse you MATT RHULE!!!!! CURSE YOU!!!!!
  10. Fun fact- Pasqualoni is the last living coach to call plays at the rome colosseum..
  11. I didnt give the hope part a thought, I for one am hoping Finesser has the full control come draft time. Rhule does come off as someone who would do anything to save his job, even if it meant trading players/future picks. I swear if Rhule picks Pickett at 6 or trades up for him, save me a spot on the fire rhule bus.....it would be soul crushing for me if that happens
  12. I thought most huddlers knew this since most here are in the hardcore status. The doomed and o noes ones, like this was the way for tepper to get his prized pick.
  13. The first baylor bro that jumped shipped, hmmmmmmm Honestly this team needs lots of coaching help/input, its past time for Rhule to hire a DL coach. Now WR needs a voice and leadership. Get to work rhule!
  14. My bar is low. Again Im no fan and in a rare move spoke out against him numerous times. After he came back form injury and got a couple games at C under his belt; He played fairly well, you have to take in the fact on each side of him was UDFA level play. He played better than Paradis did in 2021 and full 2019 season. Simply can not fix all the problems and when you have a guy thats decent, roll with the best solution. Of course if youre able to sign/draft a clear upgrade after filling LT, LG, MLB, and maybe even TE. All for it.
  15. C is the most important OLmen. Its been that way for 20 some years. Just for some odd reason the draft and free agency $$$$ has lagged behind that thinking. C makes calls, leader of the group, has to put in the most work, hes not able to fire off like the other 4. I got no clue why they are not drafted higher or paid among the LTs, its a trick that teams plays- "we cannt pay everyone" TE is the same, vastly under paid and under drafted. Run and pass chess piece, control the middle of the field like center. Im no Elf fan at all, but you can not fix every spot, he played well enough to push the C need down the line for me. He was at least better than 2021/2019 Paradis. Again bump any Elf thread during his signing, I trashed the hell out of him( i never do), but here I am giving some support as a C(if you do, I said hed make a better C) I just hope for LT and one of the OGs is filled with average play.....figure out the other OG via luck(brown, morton, FA vet min, trade, etc). Moton is best OL and Elf holds down the C.....little dream heavy for me, but its a realist hope.
  16. For sure its on the table, I heard that during the season were big brain Rhule wanted Christ to get snaps across the OL. Injuries hit and Christ took C snaps cause ELF, Paradis and Teck were injuried nearly at the same time. You need 7 OL man. Starting 5, swing OT, and Backup C/interior. Chirst can be one of the 7, im 99% sure.
  17. Im high on hopeium, so excuse this. If ififiififififi the panthers get lucky with a couple draft picks/FA and then theres Mike Horton or Austen Pleasants miracle.... there is some small chance at fielding a decent mid-ranked unit. New OL coach cappy maybe a warlock and still has some of the green bay dust. Honestly its can not get worse, young players are older, new players are another year adjusted to queen/rhule, new coach, and a couple draft darts and some Cap space that already been spoken for at OL. 16-20 ranked can happen with some luck....
  18. I feel this will be the most insane market for OL in history. Watch a few no-names/backup types will get 10 mill per. I can even get my hopes up that a couple OL will fall in the panthers favor, the radar is too good for that. My real hope is that Alejandro Villanueva will take a team friendly deal after a poor showing(word is cut) to rebuild his career. He should be able to play LT while the panthers draft his replacement.
  19. Hes 99.999999 % getting tagged if no deal is reached, but he could do something dumb like Alvin. Panthers has no chance for his services. Not worth talking about, unless you like to day-dream.
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