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  1. Defensive with 30 seconds to go allowed FG position. Farley commented a 15 yards penalty just before. Refs refused to call a clear TD. You can even talk about not going for 4th downs. 300 something rush yards allowed by D. There's lots of blame to go around. Eddy is playing hurt and got his knee drained during the week, btw.
  2. I don't know think this is the draft to pull that classic move. As for a great reason to do so- there should be about 10 DLmen in the overall top 20-22 with what I feel will be vastly different in ranking among teams. I feel if they get a top 4 pick or 5, take the best edge unless Tmac is there and ran like a 4.3. Not to fall for "This team is one player away", but I feel with Dbrown back 100% and you hit on a big nasty edge....that would take the Panthers defense to like 12th alone. Fairly can play CB he was a former mid 1st not long ago. Wallace is still playing well enough. I do not draft safety that high unless they are Sean Taylor clones.
  3. I still don't care unless I have no clue who the player is. I watch all the Panthers game and still check your threads about scores, good for a laugh nearly always. Guy with 3 snaps- #1- 88.00 Jewell was all over the place and got a 40 something score, total joke. I place it along side a random huddles opinion.
  4. These last couple playoff/championship games for the edge class will mean millions. Someone will have a big game and become the favorite top edge. Everything is on the line for the edge group now.
  5. I feel no one has a grasp on who the top edge or even top 3 are. The pre-season top 10 forgotten they had to play this yr.
  6. Even if BY stays on positive course, I still feel using a mid-rounder on QB is the way. Heavy Edge and I feel TE is a bigger need than most. Sanders is the only TE under contract. BY, vet, lock, rookie, this team needs another starting level WR AND TE. My main miss is C, you cannot fill all the holes and my plan would be FA, Mays, or cobert for cheap.
  7. I truly think Bates broke him. He is one of those pros that lives in the video room studying, he's like another ed reed. BY should have not started, but the NFL has decided no matter if they are ready or not, they must start and nearly 95% struggle and never get over it.
  8. It's open to interpretation... on the simple side, its simple- "Are we good" Yes? No? FiF? or post a random pic in honor of sax..
  9. Hmmmm..... FYI clean your ears huddle...... Maybe my hearing is closer to superhero levels... Or aaaaaaaaut
  10. Most accurate kicker in NFL history, huddle after one bad game in which he got his knee drained..... "CUT THAT BUM"!!! Those imminent takes are some of the worse things about our fans. I even seen cut chubba posts, holy God find another team hobby you scum smooth brains..
  11. I swear, this guy is a ROOKIE and being asked to play a major role. Stop the Stoopid. After another full off-season IN WHICH YOU HOPE HES HEALTHLY........ if he's still having hand catching problems, THEN start up the roast. Give him time to adjust. You should never judge rookies unless they are ALL-PRO or cut. WAIT.
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