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Panthera onca

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  1. Stress fractures in feet have a nasty habit of becoming chronic issues. I hope that does not happen to Carter but would not take that risk if I was a GM thinking about drafting him.
  2. If he fell to us and we drafted him, everyone would be whining about how Morgan drafted another player coming off of surgery.
  3. This all sounds like the same nonsense Boomer white guys were writing about Cam before the draft. Who can forget the "fake smile" hit piece? Sanders knows playing well in the NFL is his ticket to all of the other things he wants to do.
  4. That was an incredibly disrespectful thing to say about your teammates. Even if it was true you don't say that kind of thing publicly but it isn't true to begin with.
  5. He has cost himself so much money. He really has to be mentally ill to do that to himself and his family.
  6. Hoodie was at Myers Park 'crootin yesterday
  7. The Jets are interviewing Ron to satisfy the Rooney rule. No way does he get that job.
  8. We absolutely cannot head into next season with BY, Andy, and Plummer as the room again. Draft a high upside guy in the middle to late rounds and sign a vet reclamation project like Fields and let them duke it out in training camp. It may hurt Bryce's feelings but so be it.
  9. He looked better than Wallace in all honesty.
  10. That is literally the dumbest thing I have ever read on here and that is saying something. If our idiot kicker had made the XP or a chip shot field goal we still would have won. As others have pointed out, we still had Rhule and Tepper and Fitterer running the show.
  11. BY is trash. Today showed who he is after a few weeks of elevating his play from totally awful to below league average. Cut bait now and move on.
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