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Everything posted by jfra78

  1. Been hearing ads for tests being given at cvs now. Probably helping the testing numbers to go up
  2. There will be spikes because everyone is out acting like it never happen
  3. At least the protesters understand that they have to wear a mask. Shouldn't really make light of anything going on with the Floyd protestors. It's very serious stuff that they are protesting. I dont remember you making light of the anti mask protesters.
  4. Express and sometimes Priority
  5. UPS only wishes they could be as reliable as USPS.
  6. Definitely report it, sounds like it might be your carrier. If someone is taking your stuff they will figure out who.
  7. Why are people at a convention for dragons anyway
  8. Take that poo to nerdvana, has no place on the main forum /s
  9. What? So if i dont go around saying we all going to die, i'm part of the problem? Whatever chicken little. How do you know it wouldn't work? You dont know poo just like everyone else.
  10. Maybe we don't need a vaccine fast https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-05-scientists-china-drug-pandemic-vaccine.html
  11. Hope you're not insinuating that postal employees are stealing your packages. It is next to impossible for postal employees to get away with stealing packages.
  12. Dude we just got approved for a loan with less than a 740. Certain programs, like USDA, want you to have at least 680. But you can get a loan in the low 600s
  13. https://news.yahoo.com/amphtml/scientists-china-believe-drug-stop-pandemic-without-vaccine-042422069.html China thinks they might have a drug that can help shorten recovery time and give short term immunity to COVID 19.
  14. I saw this on Silicon Valley
  15. I am hearing a lot of this, and I hope its true.
  16. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1204081 Protesters in Raleigh enter a Subway armed to the teeth. Forget Coronavirus, arent there laws against that?
  17. Sorry to hear that. Good luck dude
  18. I guess its not just rednecks in the south with low education who can't understand the concept of social distancing and wearing a mask.
  19. I think most are in the middle but lean one way or another. We just aren't very vocal about politics.
  20. The flasher behind the woman with glasses?
  21. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/coronavirus-antibody-test-explained-accuracy-immunity/ Should read this before taking an antibody test
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