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Everything posted by jfra78

  1. Read that a couple days ago, pretty scary
  2. 20 million missing in china is not surprising and may have nothing to do with coronavirus
  3. Not touching your face is hard for anyone. My hands get real dirty at work and I cant stand to wear gloves, so over the years I have learned to use my forearm or back of my hand to touch my face. If i cant get to it the way i use the inside of my shirt.
  4. I worked for First Union/Wachovia for 10 years when i was in my 20s. The worst part is having to vote on the top brass salary increases and bonuses every year while the rest of the company was at a strict 2% roll rate on pay increases. So glad I have a union job now
  5. My employer is giving up to 2 weeks extra sick leave for Corona Virus related events. Can imagine the hoops I would have to go through to get that leave. Would rather they protect us from discipline if we call out
  6. There were estimated 34,200 deaths from the flu last year in the US. This year its estimated up to 59k. I'm sure some of those are Corona related deaths
  7. 2020 cancelled see ya in 2021...maybe
  8. Olympics arent until July 24th. A lot can happen with this virus by then. I think its too early to cancel them
  9. Would keep me at home
  10. I forgot the Olympics existed
  11. Wait, this is a social media site? I always thought this was a highly regarded news site.
  12. It is gorgeous up there right now.
  13. Saturday I took the family on the blue ridge pkwy and had a picnic. Was great If you go, be sure to take hand soap and bottled water to wash hands. Restrooms are closed
  14. That chart starts when that country had 100 people infected.
  15. 331 milion people in US compared to 81 in Iran and 60 in Italy. We will have more cases for that reason alone.
  16. I'm in the waiting stage with my mother inlaw also. I hope all is well.
  17. Mother in law just got diagnosed with pnumonia, they administered the test and will know the results in 3 days they said. She is 72 and a lung cancer survivor. Really worried about this
  18. Yeah i think most do that with the restroom handle. The problem is the next handle, and the one after that. I never think about it after i leave the restroom. Ive started trying to use my non dominant hand on every door
  19. Like heartburn? Not being a smartass, is a real question
  20. Its on a lot of our minds, better to talk about it here than in the cesspool that is the TB. Besides we have always opened this board up to talk about things that are bigger than sports, such as hurricanes and floods. I would think this falls under same category
  21. Not just that, its novel, meaning this is our first encounter with it and we have no immunity to it. The flu of 1918 was so deadly partly because we had no immunity to it. The swine flu was the same strain so it wasnt nearly as bad as the first time
  22. If you cant afford that, you can get attachments for $50-$300, you just replace your seat.
  23. Besides, no ones talking bidets in the TB.
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