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Everything posted by jfra78

  1. This is what I want to know, maybe we can get Ridder or Jones in the 2nd.
  2. In the beginning you almost had to be dying in order to get tested. Now just about anyone can get tested, including asymptomatic people who would have never been tested before. Deaths is also misleading because there have been advances in treatment.
  3. No you can't be completely safe, that is obvious. It's about reducing the risks. It's a very simple concept, easy to follow and really not a big deal to put on a mask for 30 mins to an hour while you're shopping.
  4. Probably a flat earther
  5. In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic he asks the Supreme Court to invalidate Obamamcare. https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/25/politics/trump-administration-obamacare-supreme-court/index.html
  6. poo i always give 8s lol
  7. To be fair not many people do the surveys unless they are upset about something. Could be a vocal minority type situation
  8. Greenville, SC voting on emergency ordinance to force customers to wear masks at grocery stores and pharmacies, and employees to wear masks at retail businesses, hair salons, grocery stores and pharmacies. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxcarolina.com/news/greenville-city-council-to-consider-emergency-ordinance-to-require-face-masks-at-all-businesses-within/article_8b04e5a0-b4a3-11ea-b61d-576e3c0a0fc0.amp.html Hope it passes.
  9. Two wrongs don't make a right. But 4 wrongs?
  10. Here they post the number of allowed occupants on the doors of every establishment. Different states do different things, here its 5 people per 1000 sq feet.
  11. My daughters friend's family all took it "just because". So, I believe there are others that are doing this as well.
  12. Seem to remember this pic from awhile ago. I believe it was staged, he went around and found empty bottles
  13. Been hearing ads for tests being given at cvs now. Probably helping the testing numbers to go up
  14. There will be spikes because everyone is out acting like it never happen
  15. At least the protesters understand that they have to wear a mask. Shouldn't really make light of anything going on with the Floyd protestors. It's very serious stuff that they are protesting. I dont remember you making light of the anti mask protesters.
  16. Express and sometimes Priority
  17. UPS only wishes they could be as reliable as USPS.
  18. Definitely report it, sounds like it might be your carrier. If someone is taking your stuff they will figure out who.
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